my anxiety is coming back and its stronger then before the only way i can cope with it is eating but then when i look in the mirror i get depress cause ive gain weight from it
suggestions : my anxiety is coming... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hey - I'm here. Had to hospitalize my 11 yr old daughter tonight for depression and anxiety. Serious aflictions. I have severe anxiety. Glad you reached out. Do what you need to do to get through tonight. 💜
then go see your psychiatrist/neuropsychiatrist to help.get you on a treatment plan. can't just eat whatever you want whenever you want. Set yourself up for success by having stuff to eat that doesn't put on the weight. Buy food that you like but that's not super bad for weight gaining. Plan ahead for snacking or whatever is your downfall. Make sure you get exercise also. You know the drill, have balance in your but not overeat...move your body and keep healthy. Remember...extra protein does not turn into fat, but extra carbs do.
Hi nice to meet yoy. I've had anorexia, also other eating issues like overeating at times. I recommend also the BEAT eating website and somethingfishy forum
Is there anything you enjoy a bit?
Pm anytime
Spelling mistake above *you
My phone's rubbish.
Have you seen a doctor recently?