I find that trying to follow some sort of routine helps tremendously with my anxiety and depression. But there has been so much going on for months I have no routine whatsoever. Now that my broken foot has healed I am trying to get back to a routine but am having a rough time. Does anyone have any suggestions they would be willing to share? Thanks.
Need some suggestions: I find that... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need some suggestions

Hi thereSomething that helps me is to make sticky note reminders/ checklist each day with things I need to do. That helps keep me accountable, and gives me something to follow through and stick with. And i literally go thru and check each things off as I complete them.
It does help give me some sense of accomplishment each day, even if its something like, "put laundry in at noon."
How about a whiteboard where you can see it to remind you of things needing doing, at least until you get a routine going again?
I am very glad that your broken foot has healed! You have received good suggestions already and I know that there are things that work for some people but don't work for others. I rely on two things to help me do things I need to do and keep me busy. I have an app from Microsoft called Tasks and I just enter all the things I need to do and I can add in each entry a due date and a reminder. That app helps me a lot and I feel good when I check each task off. The other thing I use is the clock on my phone. I set alarms for a lot of things. I have an alarm for taking a shower, another one for laundry, another one for going to walk outside... I even set an alarm when I go to a store and don't want to spend a lot of time doing my shopping, so that I leave the store by a specific time, The alarms help me a lot too. But not everything works for everybody. I would like to recommend, if you aren't already, meeting with a therapist or a counselor. Depression and anxiety are things that are very hard to live with. I suffer from depression and it is very hard for me to live life. If we have someone who understands us and listens to us and provides us tips and guidance, it can help us a lot.
I will definitely check out the app. Right now I use a small notebook and keep three lists. What I have to do today. Other things I need to do and an I DID list. Sometimes I feel like I have wasted the day but when I look at the third list I realize I have accomplished more than I thought. That list has all the small things on it like taking care of the cat and dog. Those things only take a little time but add up. I do something similar to setting an alarm. I set the timer on my stove. Started doing it as a reminder when I do laundry since the washer and dryer are in the basement and I sometimes lose track of time. By setting the timer I get more laundry done because I have an idea of when the cycle ends. I have a wonderful therapist and psychiatrist. I go to therapy every other week and it has helped tremendously.
Hello,So glad that your broken foot is healed! Are there any things that you want to be doing that you are not doing now?
The dollar store near us has a book of sticky notes that divides the to do list into morning, afternoon, and evening. I am sure that you already have some kind of morning routine. Do you get up and shower? Or eat breakfast and brush your teeth?
I know that exercise can be helpful for depression and anxiety as well. I usually find that morning to set the tone for the day or in the afternoon when I need a boost are good places to start.
Hope that helps!
That is wonderful! You are already doing many things that are very good! I used to have a small notebook for lists of things to do too and it helped tremendously too. You are doing several smart things! I am very glad that you already have a therapist and a psychiatrist. It seems that you are doing better than I am because your doctors are helping you a lot. I used to have a very good counselor but I moved and had to stop seeing her. Presently, I don't have one that helps me a lot. You seem smart and seem to make smart decisions. I hope that you feel a lot better soon and that God blesses you all your life.
Thank you!