I have been giving meditation another try. I have been doing meditation to combat anxiety (on and off) for years. You know, I do it for a couple of weeks, then get away from it for a few months or even years. Most of the books I have about anxiety suggest meditation. My therapist has suggested it also- along with other activities such as yoga. The martial art I practice a few times a week starts and ends each practice with a short meditation. I also have other books about spirituality and religion that talk about meditation. And just this morning a video on youtube popped up in my feed talking about the scientific evidence that meditation can alter our thoughts patterns and even physically change our brain. Here is the link to this video:
In other posts I have mentioned some of the anxiety books I like. Here are some meditation books I like:
Sadhana, A way to God. Christian exercises in Eastern form. By Anthony deMello
Mindfulness. An eight week plan for finding peace in a frantic word. By Williams and Penman
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. By Deepak Chopra
One of the suggestions was to spend time in nature. Today was a (relatively) warm day- so I walked my dog to the park and just tried to take in all the sights and sounds.