Hi, as the title says I don't know what to do just when I think I'm OK something will make me sacred or drag me right back down. I don't know what to do
I don't know how to deal with my anxi... - Anxiety and Depre...
I don't know how to deal with my anxiety and depression

Hi there! I just recently signed up for this so I'm new to this. But I saw your post, I thought I would give you this tip: become familiar with the way your feeling, not knowing how to deal with your anxiety and or depression is so hard. In fact we won't know " how to fix it " but we can find ways to cope and make it better, once we notice it's there we can teach our minds ways to cope.. also talking about it to others helps and reading on it for sure! 😀
Hi it sounds like you have issues you need to deal with. Have you been to your doctors for help? Counselling is the way forward for you. Issued which aren't dealt with have a nasty habit of popping up and damaging your life unless you sort them out.

I can't talk to people about it, it's scares me.
Of course it scares you as you have spent years trying to forget it and bury the emotions. The trouble with things like this is that they don't go away no matter how you try.
I think of them as poisonous boxes in your head. You make the boxes and it's ok for a while but eventually they start leaking their poison over your everyday life and you end up with anxiety and/or depression. You asked what you can do and the only answer is to start dealing with them so they are no longer poisonous. You don't have to deal with the whole lot at once but you do need to make a start otherwise you will suffer from mental health issues your whole life. They will damage and limit your life and you will never feel any better.
At the end of the day it is your decision, but if like me you get to the point of no choice, then you have to to stay alive. The longer you leave it the worse it will be and the more crap is in your head. You need to take your courage in both hands and make a start for your own sanity.
There are no magic wands I'm afraid or short cuts and it is up to you to start making changes. No one can do it for you. You will be surprised what strength you find in yourself.