This is going to sound totally strange probably but here it goes.
So I've posted on here once before about my anxiety. I actually had a good couple of months since then. But a few weeks ago as it often does the anxiety started getting worse again.
Then there was a family emergency a couple of weeks ago and a bunch of a family drama in the midst of dealing with that emergency and then a week ago tonight my mom and I came down with a horrible stomach virus. I've always had a strange phobia of stomach viruses and the symptoms that go along with that(honestly I think it's probably because of the way my mom always reacted to stomach viruses when I was a kid but that's a story for another day). So this made my anxiety even worse. I finally got to feeling better Friday and thought I was over it and then Sunday night it hit again even harder. Now I am having constant anxiety and worrying about it coming back again. I've sprayed Lysol on everything I could think of and wiped everything I could think of with Lysol wipes. I washed my sheets, blankets, pillow cases, and the clothes I wore Sunday. I've washed my hands so much they are raw and still I'm laying here now trying to stop a panic attack!
So does being sick cause anyone else great anxiety or am I alone? What do you do to deal with it, if it does?