So many times, I feel I've got the old spasticity cracked. I've been through umpteen medicines, and I know by now not to be so complacent.
The spasticity always creeps back no matter what I do or take to try and keep it in check.
Was back in October last year, I ramped up my Gabapentin use. Over Christmas/new year, I was taking 6-9 grams per day. It worked (for spasticity), just don't ever stop, or cut down.
I stopped on Monday. It was that or take even more. A viable option, I get as much as I want for free.
Mostly though, I stopped because the spasticity was getting worse.
This morning, I went back to one of my original drug cocktails from several years ago. 10mg Baclofen, 2g Piracetam, 2g L-threonine and 2mg 4-ap-3-meop. Repeat every 2-3 hours.
It works. Can balance, manage a straight line, foot-drop greatly improved. Cannot really argue with the old up/down stairs walking test either.
I posted before how whatever I take "stops working". Doesn't help if what you take is an addictive sedative like Gabapentin.
Anyway. The current combo will be good for a month or so until I have to ramp up the dose or change to something else. I considered going back on old-fashioned 4-ap. I'll keep that in reserve for now.
Is this just me? I'd be perfectly happy to stick with the one medication. Thing is, I can't.