I used to love smoking dope, once was a time when I couldn't imagine life without it. I was unaware of my AMN, And though I was all for legalisation, I honestly believed all of the medical Marijuana angles were nonsense.
Time moves on, and here I am, older, and AMN continuing it's slow burn through my body.
I bought some weed the other day.
Blue cheese was the name of the strain, if any of you afficionados are interested.
I even bought a decent bong with which to smoke it.
Bought the dope purely to see if I could substitute it for Gabapentin, Lyrica and Clonazepam.
The weed got me completely and utterly out of my skull. It was terrifyingly strong at times.
Muscle spasms - It didn't completely stop them like Lyrica or Gabapentin can, but it dialed the spasms right down. The leg spasms come and go on dope, not too strong either.
I used the weed alone for two nights, then on the third night I took 75mg of Lyrica before bed. Zero spasms.
Spasticity - Nicely relaxed, walking was just like being on Gabapentin. Wobbly as hell, but muscles relaxed. Haven't been for a long walk yet, I'll take some 4-AP and take a look. This will mean smoking dope, then walking the streets (I'll fit right in in my area of East London).
Pain - My pain and neuropathy are quite low at the moment. Legs feel tingly most of the time. Smoked the dope and my legs felt great.
Fatigue - OK, I am sat around the house mostly, but usually i take 100mg of Modafinil with my morning tea usually. On dope, I can go all day without Modafinil.
Years ago, I knew a woman with Chronic Fatigue. She said that dope was the only thing that helped her. I didn't believe a word at the time. Interestingly, Gabapentin gives a weird, sort of stoned energy as well. As long as you can handle being stoned, it carries you through the day.
So many people have posted about the beneficial effects of Marijuana on the MS message boards. For pain, neuropathy, fatigue spasticity and muscle spasms. Plainly something in it.
One great thing about it is how it comes on quick, then tapers off.
This means you don't wake up in the morning, still stoned on Gabapentin, legs like jelly. A different kind of night's sleep. My sleep architecture has been messed up for over a decade now.
So that's that. Marijuana, I'll give it the thumbs-up for AMN. Good for a lot of symptoms, as long you don't mind being stoned, seeing music, thinking deep, profound thoughts about about God, what is reality and the nature of the self.
Illegal as well, of course.