It's always the same, much like my posts, but I'll say this again.
About two weeks ago my spasticity was through the roof. Off the scale. And my fatigue, and, and here is the thing, I hadn't been to the toilet for one week.
One week.
That's a record for me. I'm used to the uncomfortable feeling, but the constipation gave me such shocking back pain, close to my right hip.
Hurt so much that whenever I moved a spasm would shoot down my leg. Lucky I was off work.
When I was out and about, I was walking like the tin man. And this is on 4-AP. Fall over when just standing in one place.
The worst fatigue I have ever experienced, and that really is saying something.
I really believed it was game over for me. But I've been there before is the thing. I try and be proactive and I knew it all passes eventually.
I dug out my kilos of vitamins and weighed out some industrial strength doses. This went a long way to taking the edge off my fatigue.
The suppositories did nothing for my constipation so I took a huge dose of laxatives. Thank god that worked, took a few days for the pain to subside though.
Long story short, now my bowel movements are regularised, my spasticity is extremely manageable. Fatigue is tolerable.
But is it the spasticity is in my lower half, bowel, bladder and legs? Cure one, cure all? Did the laxatives free up my bowels and as a knock on effect free up my legs?
Or did they all subside together, nothing to do with the laxatives? I'd have to say that they are all interconnected. The laxatives took the edge off my leg spasticity.
I was reliant on crutches, and even then I was completely shattered after 100 metres or so. Back to walking unaided now, albeit on 4-ap. And I halved my Modafinil usage.
I can almost do a little dance now. Though I doubtless look awful to strangers.
Is this just me? Has anyone else noticed the connection?