I went for a week without a bowel movement. Plenty of bran, stayed hydrated, etc, but no joy, so I took some laxatives. Ahhh.
But then days went by, close to a week, had to take them again, ended up being dependent on laxatives for about three weeks. I honestly thought that was my future, and I wasn't that concerned. I feel so much better when I go, and as I have said before, it eases my spasticity, so I was resigned. What is another load of pills on top of what I am taking?
Went travelling with family. Was in France, the problem with laxatives is if I am not ready to hit the toilet whenever I am told to go by the pills, I will mess my pants. Being unemployed, this isn't an issue, unless one of the family is in there, but being out and about is a nightmare. So in France, I low doses, low doses that barely worked. Went to the toilet twice, maybe three times in two weeks.
Then, i was in London, visiting the folks and the constipation magically lifted. I could go, and every day. What a result. See? Simple pleasures. I don't ask for much.
A week later, I took a long-haul flight to Hong Kong. Didn't sleep. Never do. I hate every minute of flying, and it terrifies me into the bargain. I wet myself on the plane. Happened before, back in my drinking days whenever I was drunk or hung over, so I wasn't concerned. I put it down to stress and waiting too long.
Then after I arrived (I was awake for well over 24hrs, by the way), I would be sat, watching tv and I'd be seized with the urge to urinate. Run to the toilet, and I'd always wet myself on the way. And I am talking about a six-metre walk (run/crawl), my legs were so weak as well. Literally couldn't stand. Had to crawl in the house.
I woke up in the night (twice), dying to go, and I'd wet myself. For about a year prior to this, I would wee about six (max) times per day. I'd wake up and wait an hour before going. I was worried about damaging my kidneys, but my doctor said I'd be OK.
Again, I was resigned. I thought, "Oh f***, I'll have to start wearing nappies now.". It has come to this. But I wasn't that bothered. I have bigger problems, a nappy, so what?
Two days this went on for, then it stopped.
A decent night's sleep or two, some proper, non-airline food, and I was back to "normal".
I have posted before about, as bad as I think I am, it always gets "better". Better, as in back to being simply bad. Spasticity, weakness, pain, neuropathy, toilet issues. Never lasts. Though, at the time, it feels like I am trapped in a waking nightmare.
Be well, folks.
Monkeybus, out.