Hello folks. I really thought I knew it all. I was prescribed Keppra after my seizure, this is on top of my Gabapentin and Lyrica.
I wasn't too sure about continuing, not another drug, how many more drugs?? Also, my friend takes Keppra, and it gives him shocking headaches, though he is an alcoholic, so who knows?
But, I'll say this. 500mg of Keppra an hour before bed, and muscle spasms are a thing of the past. I love it.
I went and Googled it. Very little information out there, but:
Open-label pilot trial of levetiracetam for cramps and spasticity in patients with motor neuron disease.
Levetiracetam for Phasic Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis
Levetiracetam for phasic spasticity in multiple sclerosis.
I had to Google phasic spasticity, that's muscle spasms/clonus in English.
I'll point out as well that Keppra is Levetiracetam. One of the Racetam family of drugs. Piracetam was the first drug I ever took that actually improved my spasticity. Now I have worsened, it doesn't work so well. I took plenty of Racetams over the years - Phenylpiracetam, Oxyracetam, Aniracetam, loads more. Half-way decent stimulants, but I stopped taking them once I discovered the miracle that is Modafinil. I still take Piracetam from time to time.
Anyway, I'll recommend Keppra for spasms and clonus.