Been a while this has been occurring now, I always wrote it off, but lately it's been getting to me. I'll expand.
I sleep on my front, always have. Often than not with my arms under the pillow. But for a while now, I wake up and my arms are killing me.
Up, brush teeth, etc and I have forgotten about it, but of late the pain is lasting all day. All f**king day. I am talking about a brutal, unrelenting agony that emanates from nowhere and covers just about every muscle from shoulder to wrist.
I had a friend who had something similar, he went to hospital, a nurse game him a decent sports massage, she told him how a muscle pain can be as painful as a broken leg. I can believe.
Anyway, I am currently on day 3 of biblical pain, and I tried every pill I have access to, nothing sorts this pain.
An Australian doctor told me how when some folks crash out drunk on the sofa and they have an arm hanging over the edge, pushing on the elbow, you are so comatose drunk that your arm hangs like that for hours. If you weren't so hammered, your body would wake you up and you'd pull your arm in. But the result is you give yourself what the doctor called a "Friday night palsy". And it is irreversible.
What I think is, on account of my legs, I don't move much in my sleep anyway, and then I take Clonazepam before bed and so that zonks me out, and as a result, I get locked into the old on my front, arms under the pillow pose. Maybe.
Whatever, it f**king hurts.
This is mediated somewhat by the fact I have sort of been here before.
About 7 years back, the muscles around my right shoulder blade were in abysmal pain. Towards the end of a shocking week, I tried my TENS device, and it was like magic. As soon as the electricity started to flow, the pain was cut by a decent 90%. I wore those electrodes all day for five days. I waited the pain out, the TENS kept it at bay until it finally departed.
So this morning, I dug out the TENS and taped on the electrodes, two on the upper arm, two on the lower. And it worked. A lovely tingle through my muscles, and the pain is barely noticeable. All I gots to do is sweat it out until my arm rights itself (hopefully).
It is a lot of bother, all the messy gel, electrodes, the flapping wires, etc. Worth it, though. I really have to condition myself to sleep on my back. How can I change the habits of a lifetime?
Is this just me, waking up with the muscle pain?