hi all.. hope everyone is looking after yourselves. Just a quick one that’s baffling me. When I have a fibromyalgia flare why do I crave salt and sugar so much? Does anyone else have the same??
im always freezing cold, exhausted, anxiety is through the roof, even after increasing anxiety meds & HRT as oestrogen was low. Feel like I have totally lost myself. I’ve tried all the pain meds, light exercise & improving diet, no alcohol, limit sugar, take supplements for deficiencies?? Don’t know why else to do? Even my chest tightens and use an inhaler which helps but I don’t have asthma??
I’ve reduced my days at work, trying my best to live a stress free love but this fibro is stressing me out!! Trying to rise above it as I know it will only make things worse!! Can anyone advise?? Please 🙏 xx