hi i was told last year that i have Fibromyalgia i do not feel my self any more im in pain all the time my memory going i,m tired all the time and moody and keep going to doctors and they keep telling me accept my illness and not to let it beat me and that it will go i have had it 4 years now it upsets me that i have never asked them for anything and this is how they treat me i cant do much any more i,m 29 and just wish they would help me but not gonna happen my whole body in pain all the time my husband as taken on all house work because i cant do it and cooking and seeing to the kids as i cant even hold my kids as my arms and legs give way .
Fibromyalgia : hi i was told last year... - Andover Fibromyal...
Aww Hun. I really feel your pain! I,m so sorry that your doctors aren,t helping you to mange it. And as for them saying "it will go away" well in my humble experience it won,t just go away. But it CAN be managed with the help of medication Hun. It,s just finding the right one for YOU. not all doctors understand fibromyalgia it seems, as I wasn,t diagnosed until I was referred to a consultant rheumatologist, and after many years was told that, yes, I have osteoarthritis, but also my "all over body" pain was fibromyalgia.
So don,t let this go Hun.and go back and ask to get your pain relief sorted.
Good luck, we are all always here for a chat,on this wonderful site.
Take care. Xx
Hi there
You don't say if you've been prescribed any medication? that should be top of the list to get sorted, to help with your GP get in touch with FMA UK and ask for a booklet to be sent to your surgery, Fibro doesn't go away with the right treatment symptoms can be managed, as Marielena2 has said she was referred to a Rheumatologist, you need to see one too, just to rule out anything else and to see if there is arthritis or other bone issues. They can also prescribe medication, maybe send you to a pain clinic. See if you can find a local Fibro group, they are popping up more and more now, seeing people in the same boat as you really helps. The trick is with Fibro and managing it is to accept you can't do 'as much' as you used to, to take regular breaks, don't beat yourself up that makes you very stressful which in turn makes the Fibro worse, stress really is a biggie for me and I think for most of us suffering from Fibro, I struggle to hoover so i've got a nifty rechargeable carpet sweeper, you find easier ways of doing things once you forgive yourself for not being able to do what you used too. I'm pretty sure with some proper medical help and some relaxation techniques you'll be able to hold your kids, maybe only sitting down but there is a way that will suit you.
There's light at the end of the tunnel and you'll get there
i have seen one hun they said i have it
Looks like you will have to be a bit pushy and stubborn with them I'm afraid, some are not so forthcoming with help ie medications, pain management and so on. Start with your GP, they can prescribe you what you need, which will be a bit trial and error till you find what suits you, I would ask to be seen at a pain management clinic, your more likely to get the help you need. Although more and more clinical staff are becoming aware it's still hit and miss sadly, it might be a bit of a struggle to begin with. I can't say your symptoms will get less as we are all different, but for quite a few including me once I'd got to grips with it I managed to get out of my wheelchair, I'm on a downward slope again now but I have had 10 much better years, I shall have to be a lot more careful going forward but you can lead a reasonably normal life once you learn how to cope with it. What's the saying.... don't sweat the small stuff or something like that lol
Thanks hun they put me on gabapentin 300mg and citalopram 20 mg but dont work all the time and they make me more sleepy my arms have stiffened upand it hurts all the time i hate not beeing able to so still my whole body in pain and legs and harms give way all the time
Have you not tried 30mg co-codamol along with 100mg slow release Tramadol? Plus Pregabalin is especially for Fibromyalgia and Naproxen. This has helped me enormously with the pain in my arms shoulders legs and neck.
ill have to try that thanks hun
It helps me if I write down a list of what I want to ask the doctor beforehand as I can't remember anything on the spot anymore. Don't let them fob you off and good luck x just remembered, I also record conversations with the doctor and consultants as I forget otherwise, so I turn on record on my phone just before I go in.
I'm new here so first hello. Second recording your doctor visits is a super idea! Thank you. 😊
thank you hun will do that
Bless you I know exactly how you feel x
Hello kirstyhall26
How did you get on ? Did you make another appointment with your GP?
I sincerely look forward to your reply
Best Wishes
they dont care about me hun look like ive got to do it on my own x
Hi Iv had fibromyalgia for 17 years believe me it dosnt go away. I hope your doctor gives you more support and the right medication and maybe get your symptoms under control and get your life back
Take care
You need to go back to your doctor and get on the right medication
I know this is an old post but I sincerely hope that you have found some relief. My recommendation would have been to find a new doctor. We or our insurance pays them therefore they work for us & we are their boss. Don't take their bull. Move on and find a doctor or doctors who know about Fibro & can help you. Gentle healing hugs to you & everyone here.