I am 47 year old male in decent health (apart from this). In September of last year I went for an annual Blood Pressure test at my GPs. The nurse doing the test thought my heart rate was high and suggested I have an ECG. After having the ECG and visiting the hospital I was told I had persistent AF. At the time I didn't think that I had any of the classic symptoms but looking back now I know that the fatigue, tiredness, occasional dizzy spell etc weren't just down to being tired or having a stressful job.
Since then I have had numerous DC Cardioversions, a catheter ablation, tried natural remedies and taken the full gourmet of drugs including Amiodarone all in a bid to rid myself of this awful condition. When I started out I set myself a deadline of 1 year to be cured and be drug free - how naive was I!! How little did I know!!!
Anyway my ablation was in April of this year. A few days after the operation I was back in AF. This lasted for 6 weeks until I was cardioverted. I then stayed in NSR for 9 weeks or so and was beginning to think the op was a success when things suddenly changed again this weekend.....
I flew out to Denmark on Thu and come Fri morning I was back in AF with a pulse that ranged from 120 to 140bpm. It pretty much stayed like that all weekend (still managed to do some sightseeing lol).
After returning home on Sunday I managed to arrange to see my consultant at Harefield yesterday.
Turns out that I have developed Atrial Tachycardia as a result of the ablation. Consultant seems to think this is a good sign. I have been booked in for another ablation (waiting for date) and have been prescribed Flecainide to accompany the Bisoprolol that I'm already on in effort to control my heart rate whilst I continue to work etc.
My question is has anyone else developed AT following ablation and what was the outcome? Did it resolve itself? Was another ablation required? Did any of the drugs help control it and heart rate?
Thanks Nick