I have posted re my paroxysmal AF with episodes very fast heart rate requiring treatment in hospital, but am now concerned about ever getting the Ablation I am waiting for. Have just found a letter August, which says “we’ll consider ablation if another very fast heart rate episode occurs”. Well so far haven’t had another one but I feel uneasily that without telling me, a decision has been made to treat me now with medications only. Medications that have turned me, a fit and active person, into a disabled person. Shortness of breath, unable to walk far or do gardening etc. needing blue badge, attendance allowance etc. Not sure whether to contact the EP or cardio nurse. Worried about causing waves. I am 85.
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation - Atrial Fibrillati...
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Please ring the cardiac nurse and explain your concerns. It seems that you are feeling quite anxious about being left to drift without suitable treatment (ie what suits you). Perhaps they might have a clearer understanding of what’s going on regarding your treatment decisions, and whether or not there has been any change in your care plan. This is a somewhat unpredictable condition anyway. What if you find yourself in fast AF tomorrow or next week? Let’s hope not, of course, but you can never tell what the each episode will be like or when it’s coming
Thank you. Quite honestly the last two episodes were pretty awful, the first one lasted eight days of fast heart rate they couldn’t get down and did cause an Nstemi. (Small heart attack). The second 5 days of rocketing heart rate knocked me out and I dread another one. My GP referred me for the ablation. Wil sound cardio out.
What meds did they give you?
What was the results of your ECHO or MRI?
If structure of any part of heart is abnormal surgeon says ablations are out.
cheri JOY. 74. (NZ)
Had an angiogram and echo. my heart is fine, not enlarged. My arteries are fine. It is I understand the electrics of my heart causing my problems. There is hemiblock left ventricle delaying electric signal to heart apparently. Thanks for your help.
Forgot to say am on 120 mg twice a day Diltiazem, 10mg Bisoprolol. Plus 110 mg blood thinner Dabigatran. Breathing terrible, cannot walk easily. Awful fluid retention, fatique, now depression. It was the letter in August from Cardio that I found saying an ablation would be considered if another episode occurred that prompted my worries. Realised they have put a care plan in place, enabling me to be treated with meds for the rest of my life, not an Ablation.
Causing waves should be the least of your problems. I suspect an ablation at 85 might not be so easy to do for the doctor as at 65. That might have been the case. But if you are that disabled only by the medications then, goodness me, I do hope your GP is on top of your case and shows interest. If not - make those waves if you can at all. These days, I worry that the NHS is awash and sometimes drowning and that any extra waves won't have any effect at all.
Stev e
How right you are. I think my named GP who has known me for 30 years caused waves by referring me for an ablation in the first place because he was shocked at the sudden deterioration on me.