I recently had my 3 month check up following a PVI ablation for paroxysmal AF and at the time things were OK. Less than a week after the review I had either Atrial Tachycardia or SVC . It lasted for a few minutes, then a few minutes later another one which lasted for about an hour. A week later I had another occurrence which lasted for a few minutes.
I have read that AT/SVT can occur after an ablation and that the heart is still healing and it may go away by itself (in about 40% of cases). Has the happened to anyone here? If so, how soon after the ablation did you start to get episodes and for how many weeks/months before the episodes went away?
For those of you who have had an ablation for AT/SVT after an AF ablation, how frequent were the episodes of AT/SVC that made you want to have a second ablation and how long after the first ablation did you have an ablation for AT/SVT?
Thanks, sorry there is a lot of questions...