Switching from Lupron to Orgovyx due to bad reaction to Lupron. 18 months into Firmagon/ Eligard/Lupron and Abiraterone. PI for Orgovyx says loading dose of 3 pills. One pharmacist and one doctor said no need to take loading dose. Another pharmacist said loading dose is necessary. Does taking Lupron make taking the Orgovyx loading dose unnecessary or does everyone need to take the loading dose?
orgovxy loading dose: Switching from... - Advanced Prostate...
orgovxy loading dose

"Does taking Lupron make taking the Orgovyx loading dose unnecessary or does everyone need to take the loading dose?" Unnecessary if the Lupron is still active from your last shot.
I canged Firmagon(19 injections) to Orgovyx.First pill I took today. I asked my doctor and he said no loading dose is needed. Testosterone is already low using Firmagon so he said just to start 1 pill/day about month after my last Firmagon(If I had not changed to Orgovyx my next Firmagon shot was going to be this month 10.2. (So I started few days before ..) So no loading dose if you are already in ADT.
important to take loading dose
I took the loading dose and it caused bradycardia. MO said stop for a few days and restart with one pill per day. That was about 3 years ago. Fine ever since. Numbers still good. However, I have a tendency to get bradycardia anyway with some meds.
Greetings Ralph,
Would you stop the bus for a few minutes and fill out your bio? All info is voluntary but it helps you and helps us too. Thanks!!!.......... p.s. Can I use my metro card or must I use my pocket change?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
have you talked to the specialty pharmacist at Biologics? (800) 850-4306