Finished 20 TX IMRT & 4 months Orgovyzx
I finished RT 3 months ago finished -4 mos of Orgovyx one month ago.
RT-Now having Nocturia -getting up 5 x a night -taking 2 flomax a day -need tips how to reduce number of x going?
a. how long does it generally take for the radiation inflamed uretha to calm down and go back to 2 x a night bathroom baseline ?
2. Finished 4 months of Orgovyz one month ago.
a. Still having post -treatment side effects -even though finished taking the hormone drug a month ago- (i.e. still getting hot flashes, inflamed joints and muscles, headaches, weight gain, etc.) even though I am not on the long doesit take for Orgovyx to be completely out of my body and it's Side effects to stop.
Thanks all responses welcome...
62..Gleason 4-3, PSMA -No Mets, ECE, 20 TX IMRT, 4 months Orgovyx.