2014 brachytherapy, 2018 salvage prostatectomy, lupron, abitaterone/ presnidone, xofigo, docetaxel, pluvicto, PSA rose to 70. Roller coaster ride after 2018 with each treatment except pluvicto, psa rose from 20 to 40 now 70.
Hello! I'm chesnajc: 2014 brachytherapy... - Advanced Prostate...
Hello! I'm chesnajc

Hello Chesnajc,
Welcome to the group that we all wish we were not in. Actually, this here is a great group to be in to get info and support. But we all wish it would not be necessary.
Best of luck to you!
welcome to the group brother. Lots of helpful , leading edge, medical information and great guys and gals here.
Welcome. I am not a doctor, but I follow this forum closely to live and learn. From your PSA numbers, it appears that your treatments, vast as they may be, are not doing much. Your PSA should be smaller, unless you are mcrpc? If you read my bio you will see that there are some ways to self-treat, which might help. Of course that is in addition to what your doctors are advising. Best wishes on your journey.
What Brachytherapy did you have , LDR or HDR Monotheraoy or with other treatments .e.g ADT ?
Hi Chesnajc, Welcome! We're thrilled to have you here. Please feel at home. You'll soon discover that some of the finest minds on Prostate Health regularly contribute to this forum. Wishing you all the best on your journey.
Greetings chesnajc, Finest minds of course and then there's me. Would you please be kind enough to update your bio. All info is voluntary but it will help you and helps us too. Thank you!!! Keep on keeping on.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.