Pluvicto is dropping my PSA, and i will be having my fourth infusion on December 4th, 2023. Has anyone in my situation know what their next option will be ?? What comes after Pluvicto to maintain a low PSA ??
Options After Pluvicto................. - Advanced Prostate...
Options After Pluvicto.................

Jevtana, Xofigo, Provenge, some combo, biopsy... lots of options
In many parts of the world (like Germany) when Lutetium fails they offer Actinium, a targeted Alpha therapy. Good luck!
I am 82 years old. I've had it all. Prostectomy, radiation, IPT chemo, HDT, Dendretic Cell Therapy, vaccines and every supplement known to man. The last time the numbers started going up I decided that naturopathics held the most promise for me. I had a long relationship with 2 things I had grown to have a lot of faith in. Colostrum and Very strong (5000mg) CBD. So I increased my usual dosage of them X4. My numbers dropped to <.1!! I have also "killed" some serious squamous cell skin growths with strong cbd. I am now getting 12,500mg cbd. When I started using cbd it was still highly illegal in Texas and I had to go to Colorado to get it. If I had to give up supplements, cbd and colostrum would be the last. But that's just me. BTW - I have very little respect for doctors. The Hippocratic oath became meaningless 5 or 6 decades ago. We have to be proactive if we want to control this beast.
can you tell us what else you were on while you received pluvicto? What oral meds and what monthly injections you were on?