So my PSA is rising after Chemo, Lupron and NUBEQA (Darolutamide). It rose from 0.04 in June 2023 to 0.84 at the end on April 2024 with latest time of doubling about 5 weeks, 2.3 years after diagnosis. I don't have organ on lymph node metastasis yet. My oncologists team suggests Xofigo/Ra-223 as a next step, with a possible continuation with Pluvicto later on. Has anyone had Xofigo for only bone metastasis? What was your experience ? Were you able to function between the four/six sessions? How fatigued were you? Were you able to go to the sessions alone or did you need someone to be with you? Did the treatment help at all? What were the side effects you experienced?
Xofigo anyone?: So my PSA is rising... - Advanced Prostate...
Xofigo anyone?

Xofigo works great with provenge
I am the oldest surviving guy on this site, some 26 years now. The reality is boys, you either do what it takes to stay alive or not. There are side effects to every single treatment modality, so stop worrying will die from or with prostate cancer and ONE MUST GET THIS INTO ONES HEAD, in order to live with cancer for your remaining time, or have the cancer lead you life-which, sadly, it will do at the end. SO, LIVE LARGE, LIVE WELL, LOVE THOSE IN YOUR LIFE AND GIVE OF YOURSELF.
As for myself, I am now in failure mode after 26 years on IHT, so am now having to dig in, get educated, as lots has happened/is happening and sort out what to do next. We here in Canada, are far behind the US and some European countries, so if you have good medical, feel blessed, so my options are very limited.
There are guys on this site, who are GREAT, so make sure to thank them for taking their time in providing assistance. For all others, make sure to update us on what drugs you are on, how they are working etc. we need to help each other. The way to do this is simple provide feedback, let us know what is working, for how long, what is not working, where you are getting treatments, etc.
ok, stay well troops, you are still alive and MUST LIVE, while you can!!!
billy the oldest survivor rocking and rolling!!
Dear Billyboy,
Great to have you here and thanks for your great advice!
Wish you the very best,
And don't forget Humor....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Being the oldest surviving member, could you fill out your bio? Could help us.
24 years. On Xtandi (as a mono-therapy) for the last 10.
I have been on Lupron and casodex for 3 1/2 years. Main side effect is some hot flashes and just can't seem to loose the extra stomach weight. Also since T is quite low, 6, I have a hard time gaining muscle strength, takes a lot of work. PSA .03-.02 No site reaction from Lupron shot every 3 mo. RP was 2019, June
The darolutamide is used for the treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. I find Wikipedia a good source of drug information, not necessarily latest patient use results. Specialist prostate cancer medical sites, various, would have latest treatment use-results info. Tall Allen usually has useful information. Ps, I am 80yo reasonable health, working on overall strength and flexibility. Bruce W