Good morning Warriors:
Next step on my 20 journey with the Beast is Xofigo. The Docetaxel, 5 sessions, started in February, 2021, and finished in May, 2021, and PSA stayed below 1 until January, but now it is climbing again - 9.1. I am still on Eligard and also started 50 MG of Cassodex to see if the progression could be slowed down. Seems to be working a little because my PSA only climbed from 8.3 to 9.1 in February.
Yesterday, we met with the Radiation Oncologist at Mayo Phoenix and he recommended 6 cycles of Xofigo. My question is - have any of you tried Xofigo after Docetaxel and did you have any luck with it. I am feeling the best I have felt in a year after the chemo.
We sure always appreciate all of your input.
Thanks - Tom