Hello everyone! Writing on behalf of my father who is 67 yo and has prostate cancer. We are based in Norway. Prostatectomy done in March -17. Treated with Bicalutamide and Zoladex injection until rise in PSA 18 months ago.
Increasing PSA from 6-12 on chemotherapy through last summer. September he was put on Xtandi which unfortunately gave him horrible side effects and we had to stop.
His cancer has now starting to spread to his vertebrae, pelvis, femur and 3 lymphnodes in his chest cavity. This was treated with radiation therapy 8 weeks ago. PSA 42 at the moment.
6 weeks ago he was wrongfully declared as terminally ill by his doctor, and was given only days to live. He also got refused further treatment of all kind.
I have now been trying by myself to get him on BAT for the last 5 weeks with no luck. Been in contact with 10+ doctors here in Norway with just negative response. Quite devastating actually in our situation. He is in ok shape at the moment and is much willing to try more treatment.
Im quite willing to do everything it takes for my dad to get this treatment started. Does anyone in this group have any tips about doctors abroad who is willing to hjelp or some tips who I can try to contact? I appreciate any kind of feedback you can share.