Looking for any sort of advice or to hear if anyone has been through anything remotely similar to my dad (75)
He was diagnosed with T3b prostate cancer in September 2024 (gleason score 9 and spread to 2 lymph nodes in pelvic region, PSA 35). He had one shot of firmagon (Sept 2024) but this caused a pituitary apoplexy. He had brain surgery (transsphenodial surgery) but then proceeded to have 2 major abdominal bleeds - all of this made worse by the fact he was on blood thinners. Anyway, 3 months later and he's finally been discharged from hospital and the focus is back on the prostate cancer.
We had his first follow up appt last week and his PSA has dropped down to 1. The doctor basically said the pituitary surgery has removed the part responsible for regulating testosterone, so the surgery has done what the hormone injections would be doing. However, because of the pituitary surgery, he is now not allowed to have the hormone injections, but could potentially be suitable for hormone tablets, such as bicalutamide. The doctors want to do a watch and wait approach for now though, while he gets stronger and just keep monitoring his PSA, but dad is beside himself thinking he's going to die because he's not being treated with anything.
He is on hydrocortisone tablets for his pituitary.
Thank you in advance for any comments/words of advice. I appreciate he's a very complex case and we're lucky he's still here with us after everything he's been through. We all just presumed he would be put on some sort of treatment for the prostate cancer, so a little worried he's not and the thought of it spreading further etc.
To note as well, he has a catheter, but otherwise has no symptoms relating to the prostate cancer