A 72 year old friend had RP 3 months ago. Likely ED, but no incontinence now. His PSA was 40, and he believes his Gleason score was 9. Bone and CT scans did not indicate mets, or concerns outside the prostate just post op. Two months post op, his PSA was at 17. Now, a month later, PSA is 40, and current CT and bone scans still indicate no spread. His understanding of what his urologist told him is that there are no concerns about mets, based in the recent scans, although he hinted at something "nuclear" for future treatment. (In Ontario, Canada, we have the least access to PET and other advanced scans anywhere in the world these technologies are available. This is deliberate and likely illegal, but almost impossible to correct) My friend is not on ADT or any other treatment at the moment. He is planning to leave for Asia in a few weeks for a 3 month stay, and his uro said that would be OK. I've been treated for stage 4 PCa in the US, and I did, and continue to actively research aspects of PCa, and to me, this all sounds more than fishy. My understanding is that PSA should have dropped to near zero, 2 months post op, and the fact that it has more than doubled by the third month is concerning to me. I figure he is a clear candidate for advanced scans, but he has no funds for scans here or elsewhere.
My friend does not want to think any more about his problem or any further treatments for now, so he is willing to be away for the 3 months, with no further action. He's not the type to take the bull by the horns on this, although he has always been street tough.
I'd appreciate any input from members....you know who you are....On the risks for him to go ahead with his plans.