Hi- I thought I would seek some advice before I meet with my MO tomorrow morning. I have responded well to treatment of metPC since my dx 11+ years ago. About 2+ years ago my PSA became measurable and was rising. After about a year or so I think it reached .37.
Following a PSMA scan, my MO saw only my largest tumor growing and suggested we radiate it and continue with Lupron and Abiraterone. That seems to have worked for a short as my PSA became immeasurable once again.
However- over the last 15-18 months, my PSA has been rising form:
<.05, .05, .06, .06, .09 and then yesterday it was measured at .14.
I assume my MO will have me PSMA scanned again, when she thinks the test becomes worthwhile based upon my PSA score.
My questions: Dr Kwon, from his video on Youtube seems to indicate that those of us on ADT for a long time can possibly have tumors growing without ANY rise in PSA. Should I get a PSA immediately or should I wait.
Also- should I add docetaxel to my treatment now, or should I wait? Also- should I try switching from Prednisone to Dexamethasone ?
I guess more radiation is an outside possibility but I think that train has already run as I am getting hip replacement surgery on Wednesday because the 2 previous times my hip was radiated caused necrosis (lack of blood flow). So- I doubt the hip can be radiated again and my other tumors are located on my vertebrae and I possibly my ribs.
Any other thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
Thanks to all