Hi everyone-
My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in April of 2021. His PSA was 52 at the time of his diagnosis. He went on Lupron and Abiraterone which took his PSA to .03 and kept it low until Oct 2022. It went to 8.9 and his doctor put him on Docetaxel chemo. His PSA has continued to rise and his oncologist has kept him on this chemo. His PSA is now 48. He was told he could go on Pluvicto but after his PET Scan he was told he is not a candidate. My question is what other options may be available? He has done 14 sessions of the Docetaxel and does not want anymore. He is very weak. I am not sure why the doctor would want to keep him on Docetaxel when it does not appear to be working. Many thanks for any information!