Hi everyone I was diagnosed at 52 with stage 4 Gleason 9 prostate PSA 680 down to 3.0 cancer in spine/bones lungs and prostate with only pain in left side ribs that really cause me any greif i am on 6 monthly hormone therapy Injections ,I handled the chemotherapy pretty well and put on 10kgs during the 6 sessions 3 weeks apart I'm not a big fan of having hormone therapy and the associated effects on your body and basically the intimate side of the relationship with my wife ,but anyway has anyone heard of QUERCETIN and BERBERINE and it's anti-inflammatory antioxidant and anti cancer growth and its ability to stop metastasis and it can weaken the cancer cells and its ability to take up glucose and starves the cancer cells , thanks ,Warren
Berberine and quercetin for prostate... - Advanced Prostate...
Berberine and quercetin for prostate cancer

Just a lot of Internet fake news - there is no clinical data. But if you want to take them in addition to your hormone therapy, it probably won't harm you.
There is no clinical data. There is invitro and animal data. These are scientific studies. This is not Internet fake news.
Not all data generated by scientists is for patient decision-making. Most scientific studies are only for hypothesis generation. What turns such a study into "Internet fake news" is when patients misinterpret such studies as worthy of suggesting therapies to them. That is a potentially disastrous misunderstanding of science. Clinicians know about and rely upon "levels of evidence" to guide therapy.
Yeah, there's a few issues of any kind of data w.r.t supplements. There'll be studies available but you need to be careful what you are reading on making any desicions for treatments. You should understand what you are reading.If you consider drugs, these type of studies have a potential huge return and so will be funded and will be placebo, double blinded, randomized and with a control group. These types are the best types and have the best data. They aren't perfect, but for drugs type studies they are top of the list. They cost a LOT of money.
There is no return for supplements, so the studies won't exist unless they are done by some government body... maybe.
Also, with supplements, even if you wanted to do an RCT type study and paid the huge money, they're much harder to get accurate results anyway.
For example, if you did a vitamin D3 study on the effects of prostate cancer, the participants would already have different levels of D3 that could also be affected by their sun exposure, their diet, their current body requirements, their skin pigmentation, their geographical location and other factors. These will continuously change daily. If it was a drug, it's more controlled because the participants don't have that drug in their system before the trials. People have all kinds of different levels of vitamins and minerals in their system with different absorptions and a multitude of cofounding variables.
It's extremely hard to target any particular supplement and try to deduce anything meaningful. You will literally go around in circles as you read different studies - just a click away..
IMO, you should take at a more holistic view and look at ways to try and target inflammation.
What that means, to me anyway, is to look at things like correct exercise, fasting, diet with pro inflammatory foods removed, high anti-oxidants, sleep - things like that. If you target just one or two things like quercetin and berberine, the chances are you'll take a lot of what you believe is good and will possibly cause some imbalance somewhere.
Just my opinion, but hope that helps.
I really miss an ice gold bottle of White Rock Sarsaparilla. Beats all supplements as far as I'm concerned (and the bottle is a deposit bottle).....
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor
j-o-h-n Monday 05/30/2022 10:50 PM DST