My husband was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Psa 14 gleason ( crept up points a year for years- we did wait and see and finally had a biopsy) 3+4 and 4+3 on one side. Lupron and radiation was recommended. He had his 1st 4 month shot and will begin radiation 3 months later. We just found out that both his uncles on his mother’s side had prostate cancer. Hereditary? BRCA gene? I assume he will be tested for the gene and wonder if hormone therapy if it is genetic is the right therapy...
Heredity and prostate cancer - Advanced Prostate...
Heredity and prostate cancer

Here's how to get tested:
Hormone therapy is right first step to slow every thing down. Get the testing. Let's you know if you carry the genes the predispose you and that can be passed on to your kids. Also some specific treatments available.
I was diagnosed BRCA2+ from a simple and inexpensive saliva test from Color Genomics. It can be obtained at .
We recently had the genetic testing done at our local hospital. Our Advanced Prostate Cancer Doctor recommended it. Our concern was other cancers in my husband's family (colon, liver & pancreatic) which is Lynch Syndrome. We found the appointment was very helpful and they met with us for the first consultation to obtain family history, we asked a lot of questions to learn more about genetic testing. Then when the results came in-they explained the results and talked more with us regarding the results. This has been submitted to our doctors and is on file now. Hopefully it will help with future treatment. Highly recommend this service. ( Only cost was about $250 , but some insurance will pay for this..) Worth it to us.