I just wanted to share with my brothers a treatment that has worked pretty well for me.
Having read the Lancet article "Ketoconazole Therapy For Advanced Prostate Cancer", I decided to give it a try. sciencedirect.com/science/a...
which discusses a trial from 1999 to 2010.
The 'Prostate Cancer community' have been blessed with several new powerful treatments in the last few years. Zytiga/ Xtandi/ Xofigo/ Provenge/ Olaparib to mention the most important. With the exception of Xtandi I have had them all.
As we sequentially go through these wonder drugs we keep an eye to what's next?
May 2017 I decided to re-evaluate my situation. At the time I was on Firmagon, Xgeva, Zytiga and Olaparib simultaneously. Unfortunately, the main side effect for me was severe fatigue and I found myself taking longer and longer mid-day naps. I concluded that the way things were going I'd be gone by Christmas. So what to do?
I had read about BAT (Bipolar Androgen Therapy) and decided to give it a go. After 2 months my PSA started to go down and I was regaining my lost energy. No question, the high testosterone levels felt really good after almost 9 years of castrate levels.
The neat thing about the BAT is that it may well re-sensitize you and make 'old' drugs work again. Zytiga has been a wonder drug for me. I was on it for about 4-5 years with few side effects. Has anyone here re-tried a drug after BAT?
I had earlier come across the above mentioned Lancet article which intrigued me and I decided this approach would be next after BAT. Ketoconazole is inexpensive and the guys in the trial were, in my opinion, getting impressive results.
So I started in January with 200mg x3 Ketoconazole and 40mg hydrocortisone daily (as pr trial). I don't take any other drugs! Now, almost 6 months into this and my PSA has only gone up 0.6ng/ml which is fantastic!!
The next step is to double the Ketoconazole to 400mg x3 as described in the trial. I'm hoping this should take me to the end of the year.
If anyone else has been down this path I would sure love to hear about your experiences.
Kind regards