OK, a loving relative of mine sent this email about medicinal cannabis oil. She is wants me to eat certain health foods which she says will help cure me of my stage 4 prostate cancer. So far I'm doing great on my Lupron, Zytiga and prednisone. I watch what I eat which is much better than 6 months ago. Here is part of what she sent me. I am leery of wonder cures and feel that if this is a cure for cancer, I'm sure that the world would know about it by now. Especially the cure for children with this horrible disease. Here's the story about a man with throat cancer. "His doses were so high that he nearly was comatose. She consulted the internet and found that the only way to deliver high dose cannabis (without a doctor) was rectally via suppository. Delivered rectally you bypass the liver and avoid the high. It took 9-10 months, but her husband is now cancer free after the doctor had given up on him. This is just one example I've heard first hand". Anyone have any info on this, I'd like to know.
medicinal cannabis oil : OK, a loving... - Advanced Prostate...
medicinal cannabis oil

This comes up a lot in my support groups - how to deal with well-meaning friends and relatives who are sure they know the cure. I think the best way to handle it is to thank her for her concern, and tell her you'll raise it with your MO. They usually go away after that. If she persists, explain to her that it's your disease to deal with, and you are doing that with the help of a very knowledgeable medical professional.
You are a believer or not. The info On suppositories is correct in my view and experience. It’s almost a direct application to the prostate. I’m told 25% effective orally compared to 75% effective in a sup. You do it before bed at night. You’ll have good dreams and sleep well You don’t get such an intense high either, very little in fact. I’ve done this in the thought that THC and CBD s together fight cancer. I’m on ADT and I had RT. That’s it ,,,no other pharmaceuticals except low dose naltrexone before bed. 4.5 mg.
Dr. Myers told me that prostate cancer cells have extra cannabinoid receptors.
His observation of patients who self-treated with cannabinoids was that it appeared to promote the growth of prostate cancer cells. His observation was not about other types of cancers, it was limited to prostate cancer cells with their extra cannabinoid receptors.
So cannabinoids may well be good for pain relief, they may be good for dampening the growth of other types of cancer, but instead of killing prostate cancer cells, they serve as a fertilizer for the growth of prostate cancer cells.
I will put that in a separate sentence to make sure you don't miss it.
Dr. Myers told me that cannabinoids, whatever else they do, promote the vigorous growth of prostate cancer.
I live in Colorado so therefore read much about this subject in the press. Through my reading, I am convinced that cannabis can increase appetite and help with pain (THC), and is possibly anti-inflamatory (CBD). As far as cannabis oil having an anti-cancer effect, that is controversial. I have no idea regarding dosage, form or delivery. Best wishes.
I've seen curative claims for Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), a cannabis derived oil. I remain skeptical although I am grateful that my state has approved medical marijuana.
I just tried cannabis oil. Liquid drops. Done nothing for me.
They sent me a free 30 day bottle as a trial. But they charged my
credit card $100 after 14 days. The free trial is only 14 days. I did
get my money back. No harm trying.
So Harry says to his friend Freddy "Those suppositories the doctor gave me tasted awful". Freddy asks" YOU SWALLOWED THEM?' Harry says "Naw whatcha think, that I shoved them up my ass?"
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Monday 05/21/2018 5:18 PM EDT
“For all the good those cannabis tablets did me, I might as well have shoved ‘em up my arse!”
See this. The delta-9 THC cannabinoid exhibits biphasic activity that can either stimulate or inhibit, depending on concentration. febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.co...
So a big dose inhibits? I just had a nurse send me a link to the Rick Simpson Oil and said it has helped a lot of cancer patients. I was so shocked she sent this to me I just said, thanks I’ll look into it 😳
Nerve growth factor in a certain PCa cell line, at a certain concentration, in a lab experiment. There are no controlled human studies to validate this or translate it to dosage needed that would actually be helpful, if any, vs. possibly harmful or ineffective. Stories of benefit from RSO (which is very potent) are anecdotal. You might want to look online for what Dr. Donald Abrams at UCSF has to say about medical cannabis for cancer.