I am new to the group. I appreciate what I have seen so far as far as the sharing of experiences and as a source of good information. There does not seem to be any definitive answers to situations because of the number of choices and the differences in each patients circumstances. I welcome any feed back on my situation.
I had a PSA of 10.5 in December of 2013. That lead to a biopsy and a gleason of 9 (5 plus 4). In March 2014 I had radical prostatectomy. The post operative PSA of .5 lead to IMRT radiation treatment between August and October of 2014. Post radiation PSA never got lower than .2. I have been following the progression of the PCa ever since. The PSA has been rising at about .1 a month and the last reading in November 2017 was 2.3. I have to decide when to start ADT and have been putting it off because of the belief that it will eventually fail and since I have no symptoms and I have concerns about side effects. I wonder when I should start it and what I should start with. I participated in a clinical trial of a radiotracer Gallium 68 pet scan at UCLA medical center and the results showed no radiographic or metabolic evidence of metastatic disease. I did show a number of pulmonary nodules and some showed a faint to mild PSMA uptake. The doctors at the trial and my oncologist think I should biopsy the larger pulmonary nodules and when that is done I will decide when to start ADT and what to start with. Thanks for the forum to share experiences and suggestion.