Husband Bob diagnosed in 2005, Gleason 7 ( 3 + 4 ) PSA 8.9
RP 11/05 - PSA undectable until 5/08
11/09 - 33 doses Radiation afterwards PSA 2.3 rising to 4.1 by 6/10
6/10 - started on one Zoladex injection - 9/10 PSA undectable
PSA remained undectable until 11/12
12/12 - started on one Zoladex injection - PSA undectable
5/14 PSA 0.21 - decide to wait and watch
9/14 - Backache upon rising for 1 week
11/14 - PSA 2.2
12/14 Bone and CT scans - possible Metastes in Lymph nodes and 5 Lesions on spine
12/14 - Start Cosudex for 28 days plus Lucrin injections for 1 year
PSA remained undectable until 1/17
1/17 PSMA and CT scan - results show one metastasis in Sternum and 8 Nodal mestastes. (Lesions on spine inactive).
2/17 start triple ADT - Lucrin injection (3 monthly) Cosudex 50mg & Avodart 500mg daily.
PSA now remains undectable!