What comes after Zytiga and Xtandi ha... - Advanced Prostate...

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What comes after Zytiga and Xtandi have failed?

sinjonn profile image
74 Replies

Hi, I am Sinjonn 60 y.o. and I was diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer with bone mets in April 2014 with a PSA of 108 Gleason 4+5 and started on Lupron and casodex in May 2014. It lasted one year only.

Nothing was done for 6 months in which time a tumor crushed my ureter and caused kidney failure.

After that I was put on Zytiga and Xtandi together in a clinical trial which only reduced my PSA to 53 at the lowest point but after 8 months my PSA has risen to 82 and new legions have been found so I was kicked out of the clinical trial.

Now they want to put me on Taxotere chemo which they say is the only option left. I feel sure there are other options before chemo which I really do not want to do.

Can any of you knowledgeable gents please offer any suggestions for an alternative treatment in the Los Angeles area or do I have to go with what the kindly intern told me "Hey you have prostate cancer, learn to live with it". (I am attending a teaching hospital).

Alternatively recommend a good hospital in Los Angeles County area.

Thank you for your time and I wish everyone all the very best for a prolonged future.

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sinjonn profile image
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74 Replies

Sinjonn, only you can determine your treatment plan. Hopefully it is with full knowledge about this terrible disease that we are faced with. I sincerely wish you the best in your decision making process. Recognize that I am not a doctor of medicine, so my opinion and a dollar might buy you a cup on coffee in LA. I suspect that one would need two dollars.....

I am curious though. Why the fear of chemotherapy?

With advanced prostate cancer one has mutated cancer cells flowing through your lymph and vascular systems, just looking for a place to attach and multiple. Unless the wayward free flowing mutated cells are killed outright, a cure is never possible; just a delay to some point down the road.

This is why I embraced a very early six month chemo trial at age 57, twelve and a half years ago; seeking out researchers from academia at a major medical school. Then I was Stage 4 with metastases to T3 & L2 of my spine. Fortunately, my mets are resolved, my PSA is still undetectable, my last Lupron injection was in February 2010, and I have been on testosterone replacement therapy since January 2012.

I have been most fortunate. I credit my Medical Oncologist, Prayer from across the World from a host of different religions, a belief in the Power of the Almighty, and a Positive Attitude shunning all who are negative.

Keep kicking the bastard,

Gourd Dancer

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to

@ Gourd Dancer .. Thank you very much for your input. I appreciate it.

motosue profile image
motosue in reply to

Wow Gourd fantastic. I hope I can last long like you. I too started chemo as soon as I was diagnosed with PC. So far I have not regretted it. PSA is also undetectable. That was 5 years ago. I just had a bone scan and saw something suspicious so I had MRI done on my spine . I'll see the doctor tomorrow to talk about the results. I hope it didn't spread .


erjlg3 profile image
erjlg3 in reply to motosue

How did the can results go Wilfred?


motosue profile image
motosue in reply to erjlg3

Hey Jackie,

They did an MRI and determined it wasn't cancer lesions

I forgot what they determined what it was. Thank God. PSA is still undetectable. Feeling great..I hope Elgie is doing fine, and you too. My have this year been going by fast! Always good to hear from you guys. Take care.

erjlg3 profile image
erjlg3 in reply to motosue

That is Absolutely Wonderful Wilfred! I'm so happy for you! We'll be fine ;) You go have LOTS of Fun! Great feeling knowing you're well :)


motosue profile image
motosue in reply to erjlg3

Try looking up the Budwig diet. That's the diet taking flaxseed oil with cottage cheese. My cousin is doing it and his PSA WENT down for the first blood checkup . Now he's waiting for the next blood checkup. He just was diagnosed. I was doing it for a couple of bottles but must buy more.

Take care.

motosue profile image
motosue in reply to motosue

Bought my bottle of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese last night . I want to continue it. My PSA is undetectable so cannot tell if it is helping me. As long as my PSA is still undetectable I'd better try to keep taking it.

motosue profile image
motosue in reply to motosue

I heard a natural path doctor say vitamin D "kills" cancer. Anyone heard that one before. He also said that the vit. D that I buy from COSTCO is not good to kill can er.

Jmhanshaw profile image
Jmhanshaw in reply to

I live in the SF Bay Area. Like you I am stage 4 with bone Mets. I did Taxotere,Lupron (still), and radiation (XMRT/VMAT). My PSAStarted at 317 and is now <1. I was in LA yesterday talking to onc regarding TRT. At what point did you start TRT. Th oncs told me had to wait till PSA rises.

in reply to Jmhanshaw

Jmhanshaw, I am not sure what TRT means. However, as soon as I was diagnosed with PCa, I had seeds (March 2003) and a short course (25 sessions) external radiation with a Gleason 7(+3) and PSA 6.8. It never really came down. In November 2003, PSA doubled; in March 2004 PSA doubled again to 25.2. Scans in late April with PSA 30.2 and in first week of May 8, 2004, scans confirmed mets with PSA 32.3 and I took my first injection of Lupron.

In June 2004, I agreed to enter into a six month Chemotherapy and Hormone Therapy trial. At conclusion of the trial in January 2005, PSA was 0.5 and mets resolved. In February 2010, to find out if my guy was right, I stopped Hormone Therapy (PSA less than 0.1) and took my last injection of Lupron.

In January 2012, in an attempt to bring back testosterone, at my guys suggestion, I started 4 mg twice a week wearing an Androgen patch. My question, "Doesn't T feed PCa." Response, "Yes, it does, if you have PCa. However, I believe that you no longer have PCa and they only way at thus point is to add T. If I am wrong, you go back on Lupron. Don't you want to find out? Beside testosterone will make you feel better and make it easier to lose weight.) Note: I gained 80 pounds on chemotherapy and Lupron. Could not take it off. By this time I had gone from 189 pounds to 290 pounds.

Today, the only drug related to PCa that I take is a continuation of 0.4 Flomax twice a day (from my Radiation treatment days) and 4 mg of Androgel twice a week to artificially supplement testosterone.

My last PSA was <0.1 and T was at 650.2 in November 2017. My last Nuclear Bone and Abdominal CT scans was in November 2016. They were clear of Cancer. My next blood draw is March 2018. I expect a continuation of undetectable PSA and T in the range of 450 - 650.

All indications from the research project supports early intervention of chemotherapy (Ketoconazole and Doxorubicin alternated weekly with Estramustine and Docetaxel) plus 30 mg of Prednisone daily for 6 months during the chemo trial. The information can be found at


I feel very formulate to be among the 9 patients in the 46 enrolled to have a complete response. I believe that the reason that I did so, is that I had a prior primary treatment for PCa and when mets developed, I immediately began this very aggressive trial first before I tried any other "magic bullets". I simply did not accept palliative treatment alternatives before I tried to kill this bastard first.

Keep kicking the bastard,

Gourd Dancer

Jmhanshaw profile image
Jmhanshaw in reply to

Gourd Dancer, TRT stands for Testosterone Replacement Therapy that you mentioned in your posting (I now notice it was posted two years ago). Glad to hear you are doing well on testosterone patches now. Sounds like you might be curd!

Jack Hanshaw

in reply to Jmhanshaw

Thanks. My replacement of T is low dose. It is not high dose T ala the Liebowitz technique to fight this bastard. Just wanted to be clear. Want started out to jump start testosterone has become a weekly thing thing now.....

I guess one could say that my gonads are dead; not producing any testosterone - probably due to an attempt to kill localized PCA back in 2003 with 117 Palladium seeds followed up with 25 sessions of IMRT. If so, my two Radiation Oncologists did their jobs well. Then my Medical Oncologist dud his job well with the systemic treatment of PCa cells floating in the vascular and lymphatic systems and those already attached to the spine. All of this predicated on very early treatment of the disease. Because of how chemo works, using the "roads" of the body to reach and affect every cell in the body.

Oh I moved from the patches to a gel because of allergic reactions from the adhesive. Note: I had the same reaction to nicotine patches.... reminds me that my Family Doctor said at the time that the reaction was due to the concentrated drug..... nope, the adhesive in my book...... but I digress.

I have been most fortunate with cutting edge Physicians from the world of academia. Cure? As a realist, for twelve years, I never used the word. Finally after confirmation scans in late 2016, no hormone injections since early 2010, no other PCa drug, and using 4 mgs twice weekly of Androgel since the start of 2012, I am using the Cure word. I trust my guy and look forward to his next Paper.

Stay positive and keep kicking the bastard,

Gourd a Dancer

Jmhanshaw profile image
Jmhanshaw in reply to

Pretty amazing treatment and recovery! Were you on Lupron for 5 years?

Jack H.

Suziq150 profile image
Suziq150 in reply to

Were you castrate resistant when you went on chemo

Big difference?

in reply to Suziq150

No. I was accepted into the trial on the basis of three successive PSA rises. Actually, four. The resulting scans revealed metastatic lesions at T3 & L2 of my spine. I took an injection of Lupron that day and began a search for aggressive treatment. Chemo started within 60 days of met discovery. Would have been six weeks, but waited until the day after the Fourth of July so that there would be no break. I received chemo infusions every week for six weeks except for an off week each five weeks. A total of three no chemo over the six month period.


mshariff profile image

Indeed, I agree with gourd_dancer. There is a list of treatment options that we'll all go through till we exhaust them. That's probably why my Onco does not like to combine treatments together. To spread the treatments.

I have been through most of the options! Now going through second round batch of Kemo treatments. Scrapping the bottom I guess. We do what it takes to hold off this decease for a bit longer. Kemo is rough, but in my case, my body responds to it well!! If you choose Kemo, stay hydrated, active, avoid constipation and maintain good attitude. You'll do fine.


sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to mshariff

@mshariff... thank you very much for your input. sinjonn.

Bryan_Metcalf_UK profile image

There is also Carbazitaxol chemo - both chemos worth a try, I got away with less side effects that normal

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Bryan_Metcalf_UK

@Bryan_Metcalf_UK... Thanks for the advice. I will check it out. Sinjonn.


First from my own personal experiences while chemotherapy is no fun, it is likely better than the alternative for you. I done it several times before it failed for me. I am now in a low dose oral chemotherapy. Not so bad.

There is new evidence that patients dx 'd with metastatic disease have a significant survival advantage when treated with chemotherapy.

I am not an expert only a patient who is also 60 yrs old and has gone through all the treatments plus a couple extra.

Have you been tested for AR-V7?

Have you had your tumor genetically tested (whole genome sequencing). There are some targeted therapies for specific gene anomalies.

Do you have any visceral disease (organs like liver or lung). If so adding Carboplatin to the Taxotere may be helpful.

A trip to MD Anderson to discuss immunotherapy trials might serve you well.

Are you being treated at a major cancer center that specializes in prostate cancer. If not you should give one a try.

I hope this helps

Bill Manning

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to

@Dollarb58..Thank you for your advice. Unfortunately my insurance does not cover provenge or similar and its California based only. Also I tried to get the AR-V7 test but my cutting edge hospital does not do it? I would love to go to MD Anderson but cant. Good luck to you.

in reply to sinjonn

John Hopkins does the ARV7 test. You can mail them the sample. Some conditions.Out of pocket is $1000 if not covered. Not in NY or FL for some reason. See their website. Why do you want the ARV7 test?

in reply to

Argh. I asked my oncologist about the Johns Hopkins ARV7 test (prior to enzalutimmide), and he said no, as I mentioned previously. Today I was at a genomics conference at Roswell, and in the Q&A after a presentation where they TALKED ABOUT DOING TESTS BEFORE CHOOSING TREATEMENTS, I asked the speaker, who is the Executive Director, Center for Personalized Medicine, said no, it would be (many) years before that (could be done) and there is a difference between something that can be done in a lab setting and something that is ready for clinical practice - that's the closest I can come to characterizing what he said.


One thing I DID gather to my ignorant shock is that there is somme concern that abiraterone is associated with neuro endocrine tumors as a follow-on. When were you going to bring that up? gak. Shoot me.

Suziq150 profile image
Suziq150 in reply to

Hi I am wondering if you did chemo after enzalutimide and abiraterone

As my husbands prostate cancer is not responding to enzalutimide or abiraterone so now he is going to try taxotere

Do you think it will help him

Thank you

Susan Horn

Miami Beach

Gecrellin profile image

After Zytiga and Xtandi failed, I moved on to docetaxel which worked for a year. Luckily, I had no side effects. Now I am receiving cabazitaxel, again with no side effects. PSA seems to swing 300 points every 3 weeks. Currently 2277, but I continue to feel well. Being treated at two leading research facilities--University of Washington and Duke. Always looking for promising trials.

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Gecrellin

@Gecrellin... Thank you for your input. It seems you are farther up the road than me and I wish you a lot of good luck. Sinjonn.

in reply to Gecrellin

where is all that PSA being created? You still have your prostate?? How are your images? 2277 seems like a lot of cells busy at work, not necessarily cancer cells though. What is your testosterone level? Any idea?

Gecrellin profile image
Gecrellin in reply to

Yes, still have prostate. Already metastasized when diagnosed. Zero T. Scans show progression in bones and lymph and small spots in liver. Cabaxitaxel did not work, so now in trial combining sirolimus with docetaxel and carboplatin. After a surge to 3500 PSA is back to 2000 before I began trial. Doc calls my PSA odd.

in reply to Gecrellin

Gecrellin -

So 0 testosterone and 2277 PSA. So all the prostate cells that are creating PSA are not being driven by external testosterone - ie are the bizarre prostate cells, and no doubt cancer prostate cells, and are someplace in your body, possibly a good deal in the prostate gland itself, and some in bones, lymph, and liver. Odd, indeed.

Any imaging to locate the currently active prostate cancer as opposed to the effects of past prostate cancer? Liver (visceral mets) is the most uncommon and the wild card. Lymph nodes can be removed. Bones can be irradiated. It would be nice to re-encapsulate the prostate somehow to take its effect out of the picture - to clarify things a bit.

Suziq150 profile image
Suziq150 in reply to Gecrellin

How are you doing

Suziq150 profile image
Suziq150 in reply to Gecrellin

My husband failed enzalutimide and abiraterone and now is going to try taxotere

I am so afraid for him as research says there is cross resistance and it doesn’t work

Did u lose your hair

No side affects how can that be

Thanks Susan

Miami beachb

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to Suziq150

Hi Suziq, I had not heard of a cross resistance from xtandi or zytiga to chemo. The latest thing is that 6 rounds of chemo can resensitize the androgen receptorand xtandi may work again. In one study I saw more than half of the men who retried xtandi after 6 rounds of chemo got another response from xtandi . It is what I am planning to do. Chemo was not as bad as I had feared, You have to watch out for a high temperature, I iced fingers and toes to prevent nueropathy and sucked on ice cubes to save taste. I did lose my hair at first , but it started growing after 5 cycles and now it came back from almost grey to dark brown and very wavy where it was straight before. I have done 15 cycles now and hair is as thick as ever.

May be a good idea to make a post and get replies from the group, I think this is a 2 yr old post. Wishing the best


dlestercarlson profile image
dlestercarlson in reply to Dan59

Dan, can you point me to the studies where after Chemo they were able to get another response from Xtandi?



Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to dlestercarlson

Here is the study, showing reversal of arv7 status after chemo, healthunlocked.com/api/redi...

dlestercarlson profile image
dlestercarlson in reply to Dan59


Magnus1964 profile image

after Zytiga my doctor put on the Provenge treatment. It work out fine. I had some spots on my lungs that disappeared. I would say try Provenge before going to chemo.

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Magnus1964

@Magnus1964... Thank you for your advice. I wish I had that option but my hospital nor insurance gives me that option. Sinjonn.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to sinjonn

When I went on Provenge the Patient Access Network paid for the treatment and even paid for transport to and from the treatment center. Ask your urologist about it.

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Magnus1964

My urologists are a bunch of interns who probably have never heard of Provenge. They tell me I have prostate cancer learn to live with it.

I am guided by Oncologists who tell me that Provenge is not an option at their hospital. i will check what you said myself.

Thank you for your input. Sinjonn.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to sinjonn

Provenge is not a treatment that is given in the hospital. I had to go to a Red Cross center where they took out my white blood cells with a centrifuge. The cells were sent to Atlanta where the Provenge is added. Then they sent the strengthened cells to my urologists office where pumped them back into me. Hospitals don't handle the extraction of white blood cells it is too cost and time consuming so they let the Red Cross handle it. I don't know what your doctors are shoveling it doesn't sound right.

in reply to sinjonn

sounds like bs

Cancersucks profile image

I have the very same question. Aggressive cancer like you. Age 44 when diagnosed 04/2015 with innumerable tumors to skeleton and lymph nodes. PSA 2740. Did docetaxel and Lupron and Flutamide right away, but castrate resistant after 6 months. Did Xtandi for 4 months this year and also Provenge but PSA still rising and tumors still growing. On Zytiga now and does not appear to be lowering PSA but prednisone helps with the pain quite a bit, as does Xgeva. You could try Xofigo, which is radiation. Starting that this week. You could move on to chemo (docetaxel, cabazitaxel, or carboplatin if you have neuroendocrine cancer) as already suggested but not going through chemo again here as it didn't seem to do much the first time (stopped after 8 rounds because PSA was rising and PET scan was worse than before chemo). Chemo has really helped slow the progression for a lot of folks, so worth a try.

Sorry to sound so depressing but feeling fearful. Onc keeps saying don't worry, new treatments are being invented and studied all the time, but what are those and when will these new treatments be available?

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Cancersucks

@cancersucks... Thank you for your honest opinion. Not many options open to patients with aggressive ca. Nothing lasts long. Some guys here manage to last years on the same treatment. Oh well. Good luck to you.

JoelT profile image


The first thing you need to do is fin a different doctor, one who is connected with an academic institution and who also specializes treating prostate cancer. Any doctor that says that you should just learn live with it deserves to lose their license. Find ew doctors now.

My guess is that Provenge is not a good treatment for you at this time. The men who gain the most from the treatment are those with minimal disease as it does take time to work.

Chemotherapy with Taxotere is the your next best step. After that you still have cabaziltaxel (Jevtana) as well as clinical trials. However, to find the best trials for your disease you need a better medical team. The other advantage of an experienced expert in advanced prostate cancer is that they will look to off label chemotherapy. I am aware of a few guys having benefited from some of the breast cancer chemotherapy treatments.

Your most important step is to find a new treatment team, but don't wait and not start chemotherapy immediately. Don't give the cancer more time to get even stronger. There should not be anytime that you are not be on active treatment.


sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to JoelT

Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately my hospital is a teaching hospital so I see a different intern every visit, and since I only have Medi-Cal insurance I am kinda stuck with it. Most of them have a better attitude but sometimes I feel I know more than they do.

For now I will take your advice and go with the Taxotere and see how long it lasts. I was disappointed that Aberiterone plus Enzalutamide only lasted less than 8 months. Thank again. Sinjonn.

in reply to sinjonn

Please don't get confused with the term teaching hospital and teach/research hospital; especially one that researches prostate cancer. You may be stuck with Medi-Cal. I know nothing about it other than it's California Medicaid program. Areyou a Vet? VA in California is way ahead of the game. So glad that I have Medicare and a supplemental policy as a continuation to the health coverage I had before I retired. BTW, I have never seen an Intern for Prostate Cancer except to be introduced to a new Resident making the rounds with the Doctor Professor. I haven't seen an Urologist since 2003. My lot is cast with a Medical Oncologist that researches Advanced Prostate Cancer and Kidney Cancer. I am most fortunate.

Interesting overview of Medi-Cal and the possible of medicine in the USA. latimes.com/local/californi...

cfrees1 profile image
cfrees1 in reply to sinjonn

I am not an expert on this, but someone else here will be able to chime in. Once you have "achieved" advanced prostate cancer, I believe you are eligible for Medicare, no matter your age. Would that allow you more options, access to different doctors and/or treatment options? In my opinion, I would not simply accept doctors who I felt were inadequate. Find other doctors and other insurance if you need to. But don't just sit back and accept it if you don't agree with their opinions.

PeterArtiste profile image

I too went through those drugs in less than 5 months. I'm now on Doxetaxel or Taxotere, 5 treatment out of ten. 17 years in the fight.

Suziq150 profile image
Suziq150 in reply to PeterArtiste

How you doing

chewy1001 profile image

I got cancer in 2009 gleason 8. Radiation 2007 psa droped to .23. Started risinf right away . Got cryo 2012 psa 5.6 Gleason9 . Dropped to .9 Started rising very slowly. Nov 2015 was put on casodex with the Lupron I was already getting. Psa rised to 3.3. Stopped casodex in Nov because of liver problems. Jan 2016 PSa 480. Psa mar 2016 Psa over 2000 bone mast in spine hips ribs skull and both legs. Lungs also showed cancer spread. Was given weeks to live by 3 doctors. Med oncy doc talked me into getting Texader and now I am glad she did. Still not happy aabout be pumped full of poison. Psa as of Aug 4 2016 2.4, Fear is normal but you have to over come it. Chemo has some side effects but you ca live with them all with little trouble. Only problem is some of the restrictions that go with it so get an indoor hobby. Going pon xtendi next month and stopping chemo. I wish you the best of luck and hang in there.

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to chewy1001

Thank you so much for your encouragement. Good luck to you also on your long journey. Hope Xtandi works ok for you. Sinjonn.

erjlg3 profile image

Love the kitty ;)

Hope you find great answers.

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to erjlg3

Thank you. I love him too since he does not give me any BS like my docs; only straight answers. Are you hungry? Meow meow. Do you want to go out? Meow meow etc. Sorry, had to say that.

erjlg3 profile image
erjlg3 in reply to sinjonn

Lol. I have 5 kitties and a dog ;) lots of meowing ;)

RonPavluvcik profile image
RonPavluvcik in reply to erjlg3

from Ron in Connecticut - here's my story, as of 3/28/17 ......

Prostate cancer confirmed in 2008 - PSA about 15 - (current age today is 70)

Had CYBERKNIFE focused beam radiation - 5 one-hour treatments within a week

PSA gradually dropped below 1 in 2009

Thought I was cured - Cyberknife hospital did an article on me in 2010

Then PSA started rising after a year

Started CASODEX pills plus LUPRON hormone injection

PSA dropped for a while, but then increased in following year

Then started on XTANDI pills just when it got approved (2013)

PSA gradually below 1 for 2+ years

Then PSA started rising again in 2016

Oncologist switched me from XTANDI to ZYTIGA with PREDNISONE) in Dec. 2017

ZYTIGA not working...PSA now (test last week) up to 36

No tumors as of 6 moths ago, but getting another BONE and CAT scan in April

My Oncologist now researching possible clinical trials

Can't travel out of state, so checking soon with cancer docs at Yale NH Hospital

Meanwhile my Oncologist says PROVENGE possible later, if have tumors

CHEMO is an option later/soon, but am a bit concerned with side effects

Just in case, am ramping up work on my bucket list.....help!!!!!

Good luck to all - contact me for more info - RonPilotPi@aol.com


Lunbo profile image
Lunbo in reply to RonPavluvcik

Hi Ron,

Thanks for your history with PC --your regimens were similar to mine. Diagnosed in 2001, radiation & seeds. PSA under 2. Bone mets in 2010 and started chemo with Lupron/Xgeva with Dr. Agus, Oncol at USC. In 2012, PSA at 4.4 and started ZYtiga/prednisone-nominal side effects. This year, 9/17, PSA at 15.5 and started Xtandi, bad experience with nausea, dizziness, fatigue & instability. Hope to hang in to see improvement as then Xofigo, docataxtel, docalutamide or similar maybe next--then the crap begins. My guy says Provenge isn't effective. Other stuff like TET, Jevtana, available but every PC is different so who knows. I,m turning 80 have had a great life so if quality of life declines--I'm checking out of this hotel!

Anyone out there experienced Xtandi, if so what side effects &, how long & how long under therapy with same. Any experience with these other treatments & success?

Ron, wish you the best with all of your next treatments and keep workin the bucket list.

RonPavluvcik profile image
RonPavluvcik in reply to Lunbo

Here's an update from Ron, after my previous post in March 2017 above:

Cat scan revealed many tumors in lymph nodes in April 2017

Doc set me up for PROVENGE immunotherapy

Had catheter inserted in chest because of bad veins for needles

Catheter was contaminated, so had to cancel PROVENGE treatment in early June and be hospitalized for blood infection for 3 days, and catheter finally removed in June....pissed off against the process...

Doc says try the KETOCONAZOLE pill which sometimes lowers PSA....it has actually lowered my PSA from a high of 90 in July 2017 down to 60 in early August...still taking it

Doc also says in July, after the PROVENGE debacle, go to Sloan Kettering cancer hospital in NYC for possible clinical trial...so I go there in early August (last month) go through a bunch of tests and paperwork, and they tell me not eligible for any clinical trials right now....strict requirements to participate as to treatment history and health status (I failed EKG test with a minor issue)...meanwhile the bone scan they gave me revealed mets in bones for first time - my left hip... so that excluded me from a second clinical trial that required many bone mets (should I have wished for MORE mets???????)

So then my doc in mid-August, 3 weeks ago, said no other options except chemo or PROVENGE...so I had another catheter inserted in my chest 3 days ago, and I start the PROVENGE treatment a second time this coming week...the blood removal....hopefully I don't get another infection detected....the PROVENGE process requires 3 cycles of blood draw and then blood infusion with the PROVENGE....then remove catheter ......so treatment will end by end of october....then you just wait.....

Good luck to all, anyone can call me for more info: 203-767-1123

Ron in CT

There are 2 approved chemo drugs, both taxanes: docetaxel and cabazitaxel.

I am talking to my doctor later today and hope to try a large dose of testosterone. This has been done in the past. Today the acronym is BAT. You only have high levels of testosterone for a few days. It drops back quite fast. Cheap. Some people reacted well to it, and I dont think it killed anybody. Please wish me well.

erjlg3 profile image
erjlg3 in reply to

Wishing you more than well Martingugino!!!!

in reply to erjlg3

Ah thank you. Did not get the testosterone thing I was shooting for (a moonshot) but did get good advice on how to negotiate with my primary oncologist, an understanding of his playbook and limits, and how to accept that as a solid base upon which to launch further adventures. Not expect him to "try things". He won't. There are other avenues for that, and of course, be careful, cause it's dangerous.

erjlg3 profile image
erjlg3 in reply to

So sorry the testosterone thing didn't work out. I'm glad you have a better understanding of how your doc works...Definitely further adventures. Seek seek seek always....somehow I don't see that being an issue ;)


MrJack profile image

Hello, I just had my third cycle of taxotere today, I feel ok, the first cycle made me sick with fever, the next two are fine, my bone pain has gone down, I actually feel better than without chemo, my psa has gone from 43 down to 4.9 today, so as long as it stays below 10 I would say it is working, hopefully I can get 18 month at least out of this I go every three weeks for a treatment that takes about three hours, , I hope it works for you

I am lucky to have good insurance, I only pay a small copay.

keep fighting,

I am 58yr old fighting since 2011

peace and good health to you sir.

Jack Bishop


ETodd3 profile image

In response to your question about a good hospital, I recommend this group of physicians in the LA area. I travelled from Boulder to consult with them.

Prostate Oncology Specialists, Inc. || tel 310 827 7707 || fax 310 574 4002

4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 101 || Marina del Rey, CA 90292 || prostateoncology.com

sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to ETodd3

Many thanks, I will look into that.

Pennysue1 profile image

My husband is getting ready to try Provenge Immunetherapy- talk to him about that - zytiga did not work - taxotere chemo did not work - just made him sick - lost his hair - good luck - sounds like you need another doctor

bhuvi100x profile image


Age: 72, diagnosed in 2014 ( 69 )

Diagnosed: 6/6/2014 - PSA 187

Place: Canada - Govt Health Care System

Location: Vancouver

Report reads

Prostate Needle Biopsy x 10

Right mid medial: 5mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Right mid lateral: 1mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Right mid apex: 1mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Left base lateral: 15mm Length of Gleason 4+5=9/10 adenocarcinoma

Left mid medial: 5mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Left mid lateral: 12mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Left apex: 12mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Right base: 5mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

Left base medial: 2mm Length of Gleason 4+4=8/10 adenocarcinoma

No Evidence of extra prostatic extension

Right base: benign prostatic tissue

1) The Stage is T3 N2 M1

2) Bone Scan: Metastatic diseases of the spinal column and pelvis, in particular the right acetabular region, was identified

3) CT Scan: Extensive sclerotic bony metastatic disease B) Bilateral iliac and pelvic adeopathy, suspicious of metastatic disease C) Enlarged prostate with enlarged bilateral seminal vesicles

About my father:

-Never took a pill in his life, never even had a headache

-Still has all his hair, and no glasses

-Works as a gas station attendant - 5 days a week, 7 hrs. Shifts (has worked all his life and basically keeps himself busy at home too

-Very positive person

-Drinks glass or 2 of milk since a kid, and since many years milk with raw eggs

-Drink 1 glass of wine everyday

-Eats right and weighs about 150 lbs

We were obviously shocked to hear about the cancer, my father still can't believe it. The urologist basically put it this way

( back in 2014 )

A) Bad Cancer T3

2) Its terminal

3) Start with Flutamide 250mg x3 time a day for 1 month then Lupron (22.5mg X every 3 mos. for 1 year) after 2 weeks of these pills

4) No Surgery

5) Radiation after 6 mos.

(maybe _

5) Gave us 3-10 years




6/6/2014 - 187

Started Lupron with 1st Urologist ( no chemo recommended, only HT )

06/09/2014 - 25

16/01/2015 - 5.1

13/04/2015 - 5.2

07/072015 - 14.4

At this time, our urologist retired, another one who replaced him ( who was younger ) recommended HT + Chemo but we moved so since we were going to another urologist. we went to one who was more experienced and right close to our house

He too said why chemo? not now so out of 4 people - only 1 said Chrmo + HT and

GP ( Shouldn't do Chemo )

1st Uro ( Shouldn't do Chemo till retired

2nd Uro ( Should do Chemo )

3rd Uro ( Shouldn't do Chemo )

Started 6 months Eligard and Bisphosphonates but it didn't help as PSA was going up and now the Urologist sent us to Oncologist and recommended Chemo

1/02/2016 - 79.54

Oncologists said will chemo in side picked, radiation of any pain else not to and best to get into Clinical Trial program, because if we don't then we can only choose 1 medication ( Xtando or Zytiga ) so if one fails, we have to pay for the other one but we are on trial then if one fais, we get another - but for this we have to get PSA test every month and CT Scan, Bone scan every 2 months

Started Xtandi

01/03/2016 - 75.55

29/03/2016 - 76.30


- 81.98 ( Started Xgeva monthly )

24/05/2016 - 62.01


- 72.13

18/07/2016 - 73.12


- 68.56

13/09/2016 - 72.58


- 111.40

07/11/2016 - 84.9

07/12/2016 - 71.1

03/01/2017 - 69.3

31/01/2016 - 79.8

Now as you can see Xtandi has basically hasn't brought down the PSA, it goes up and down around the same number. Around 6 months ago, I kept talking about Chemo and I was told that Chemo can only give 3 months and it will toxic for his liver. They are happy that his CT Scans and Bone Scans haven't shown any further damage and not worried about PSA as long as he has no pain. They feel, he is working so thats good and chemo might make him more tired as compared to his comparative fut life now. They said they will see if PSA goes up, might switch to Zytiga

I am confused what to do here, I keep reading that Chemo + ADT is better however the doc says not 100% and that too studies mention at start of therapy but I hear that docs comment about side pocket is stupid and he should be given chemo when he is fit

Then I read some comments where people haven't done chemo. Is there anyone here from Vancouver who can recommend? or others

Jecca559707 profile image

This will help u ...please get better and watch this my sweet papa died in March of prostate cancer I feel I must spread this info if I would had known in time he might still be here best of luck to u and listen to ur intuition...if something doesnt feel right ....dont accept it fight for ur life!!!


Dan59 profile image

Sinjohn, How is it going for you?


sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Dan59

@Dan59. Hi there. I have had Taxotere chemo which failed, then moved onto Cabazitaxel chemo which failed and now just started on Mitozantrone chemo and the doctor said hang in there it may be a rough ride! He was right. Anyway I am still kicking around. How about you?

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to sinjonn

Hi Sinjohn, good to see you hanging in there, which did you feel was the hardest chemo? Since it has been over a year since you have had zytiga or xtandi, have you considered rechallenging with either one of those drugs or both?Dr Glode had some good studies with oral cytozan ,I could send the paper if you like, it just at google scholar under Glode and cytozan/cyclophosphamide which is an oral chemo and easier that iv chemo.

I wish you the best , keep us posted


sinjonn profile image
sinjonn in reply to Dan59

@dan59... thanks for that info.

I did try to go back on zytiga for a month before my current chemo but my PSA shot up to 574 from 208 so that did not work out

Best wishes to all.

erjlg3 profile image

Thinking of you sinjonn and all.



pilot52 profile image

Cedars - Sinai would be a good choice. I feel that research centers present the best options. I use MD Anderson , Houston and Duke Cancer in Durham NC. Both attached to major universities...Best of luck to you...research clinical trials at any of these places. For those who are unable to afford travel and lodging they help out with Angel Flights and lodging....I know because I am an Angel Flight Pilot...

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