social justice sensitivity? - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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social justice sensitivity?

wtfadhd profile image
12 Replies

Hey tribe,

ive always been super interested in social justice- to the point where i piss my own colleagues off bc i think they are being vanilla sheep. lol

btw- im a social worker. i thought it was just high IQ n ADHD passion n ability to think critically n independently that causes me to have intense thoughts n feels about the subject.

now i just ran across an adhd article that proposes that social justice insensitivity is a not so talked about characteristic of adhd. omg! thoughts? personal experiences to share? there is no way i can be alone on this topic❤️

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wtfadhd profile image
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12 Replies
MadamGeneva profile image

I just learnt about this trait to and completely resonate. The increased empathy that we experience clearly plays a part. We genuinely feel the ‘weight of the world’ at times, but I guess the object permanence struggles make it a little less exhausting.

I just received a letter from my local MP about the homeless issue I my borough. I’ve clearly written to him about it and now receiving a response, I can vaguely remember doing it.. it definitely tracks at least. 😅

Blue_186281_red profile image

I've always been far Left and a little active with net neutrality but mostly pacified by NPR. After Bernie 2020 and George Floyd I dove deep into alt media and am now officially the crazy uncle you don't want to be alone with at thanksgiving :)

I'd like to read the article you saw - correlation of ADHD & Leftisim would further explain the power of the drug war in disenfranchising the Left. I know that personally, even though I see institutional abuses coming my way, I am simply not organized enough to document stuff, research law and defend myself.

My empathy is very abstract utilitarianism. Part of my motivation for becoming a nurse was that it forces me to be altruistic - a spiritual necessity that I would otherwise neglect. On the individual level, I see, well, probably a lot of the stuff you see in SW, and it doesn't really get to me. But hearing statistics, watching the homeless population grow out my window in correlation with wealth inequality, watching Biden pretend-fix the railroad strike till after the election, turning on NPR and hearing continuous lies and diversion even in their fluff segments? That stuff makes me burn.

LOL. here's some ADD social justice. I am suspended at work cuz... ADD irresponsibility & employer breaking labor law. But I just chewed out my boss while writing this because my patient called me asking why I wasn't there. The suspension? Meh. My employers blatant patient care negligence in the name of CYA on their business side? NOT ONE PERSON HAS CONTACTED ME IN 2 DAYS TO DISCUSS PT POC ISSUES! I'm so done in home health no one GAF

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Blue_186281_red

ahhh- wouldnt an ADHD thanksgiving be fun! lol

i am a constitutional conservative. meaning- i have no problem with capitalism if the tax loop holes didnt f it up 100 %!!!!!!

when i say social justice - i dont mean like homeless people etc- i mean- i want the public education system that my tax( not wealthy) pay into- to educate my children to be critical thinkers- not conformist sheep who think they can go to college, get a degree, and live the american dream. the american dream is over. tax loopholes have destroyed it. our public school system’s specific mission statement was to teach people conformity to be good workers vs thinkers.

the so called “ pandemic”. is a complete example of lack of social justice- how was mc Donald's essential and home depot, but the mom n pop shops that sold food n hardware shut down? its BS.

how is amazon not a modern form of monopoly???? jeff b pretty much gets a

how about all the politicians who act like inside stock trading is fair?

and us working americans who get overworked n poorer by the second are convinced that racism, hate, guns, lgbtq, carbon prints are the REAL issue. please! mega rich people do not care about what color, creed, or preference another wealthy person has! at all! only us low life working profession class sit around n ponder that stuff. we are pit against one another so we are distracted n dont see the real problem- the broken rigged system of our country. grrr

so yea, different from your views( n im totally ok with that ❤️) but still VERY sensitive to politics- which are essentially social issues.

oh yes, ive been fired from countless jobs bc i just call things like they are- ADHD critical thinking. corporates hate that- they are looking for martyr type sheep employees. sw n nursing thrive on finding martyrs who will not speak up. until they hire one of us ADHD folks, lol lol

end rant.

good luck- keep fighting for what you believe in. that article was in ADDitude

Blue_186281_red profile image
Blue_186281_red in reply to wtfadhd

The identity politic distractions you talk about? The American Left are far right extremists by any global or historic measure. Their voters SUPPORT CENSORSHIP of the POTUS! The only economic arguments they have left are "it's too expensive" or "Manchin won't let us" but they know no one on the Left is buying what they sell anymore. The identity politics is a distraction that feels real if you're not paying attention and don't understand how our government works. I NEVER got much past WW1 in history... This seems very useful in creating a generation who will drive past the homeless at every on ramp as they scream at their radio about Trans people and drop their kids off at schools they desperately need for daycare even if they know it is a tool of indoctination because they can't support a single earner household.

You and I may have differing opinions on abstract economic theory, (IMO capitalism inevitably ends up where we are now. Monopoly is a feature, not a flaw. For it to have survived as long as it has is due to FDR's socialist regulation mitigating it's shortcomings) but we're on the mostly in agreement when we list our specific complaints. Things like NAFTA, immigration [problem is H1B visas from airplanes not scary brown minimum wagers running across the border], TPP, attacks on the 2nd ammendment, Pretending impotence or bipartisanship in rolling back Republican policy, NOT codifying Roe, theatrical attempt at minimum wage, theatrical attempt at student loan forgiveness) - These things are Right Wing wet dreams, but they are all enacted by the Dems! Pelosi leads the fight for insider trading! No D pres ever mentioned Nixon's decision to de-prioritize anti-trust law, they simply perpetuate it.

You're Right? I'm Left. but I agree with EVERYTHING you say. (except the importance of environmentalism) Check out Chris Hedges, Glen Grenwald, Jimmy Dore - all Leftists saying the same thing you are. Look at "No Child Left Behind!" It systematically identifies schools in need of resources, and TAKES resources from them! Passed by Bush, this has survived 10 years of Dem presidency. My industry - Home Health, is about to enact a similar medicare payment scheme under Biden. I am forced to live in my parent's house 51% of the time so I can send my kids to a good school - cuz the "Christian" private school my parents sent me to has bumped up tuition 10 fold. But even the "good school" is teaching propaganda - my 1st grader spent a day learning about vetran's day but she had no idea what Armstice Day was! She spent a week on MLK but had no idea he died supporting a multi-racial sanitation worker strike!

We're not in a war of R v L ideology. We already lost a class war and the identity politic battles will get louder and louder as more and more people get red-pilled. Until the police gotta deploy Obama's military weapons on our streets again.

Hows THAT for an ADHD therapy board? but seriously - do you have link to that article or do I need to subscribe?

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Blue_186281_red

lol! seee, told ya an ADHD thanksgiving convo would be epic!!!

that article is from ADDitude magazine. i get weekly articles emailed to me ( its free) but alternatively, if you just google the title / author- it will bring ta to it.

and omg the thing about having to live with your folks bc of your kids school situation- i bet you have developed a ton of strategies to avoid adhd rage bc thats a triggering social injustice within itself.

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Blue_186281_red

here is the article

Alevaro23 profile image

I resonate with this too!

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Alevaro23

thanks for sharing!!! does yours show up like anger/ rage of our rigged n crooked politics or more in the form of extreme empathy for homeless n vulnerable people?

StoneJeweler profile image

I am glad that I will not be here on earth much longer. There is too much greed, lying, power mongols to hope for anything positive anymore

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to StoneJeweler

😢 it sure seems that way. looks like there are alot of us feeling this way.

ObiWan7213 profile image

I completely agree with you! Thank you for sharing, glad I’m not alone. I despise any sort of oppressing other people. Not sure how much is my diagnosis vs my religion. But it’s clearly heart felt!

Goodtrouble profile image

I lost several jobs because of this, I annot keep my mouth shut when I see something wrong /unfair, last one was very recent as I challenged two managers about something they did that was unfair and could have caused harm in writing . I was given notice after a week as ", I do not fit their team

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