I'm awaiting assessment for adult ADHD.
I'm inattentive to conversations and fidget when sitting. If I do listen I'm always having to refrain from interupting. I've had this all my life. I can find reading or listening to audio books difficult. I daydream or get distracted. I generally forget what Ive just heard or was doing, then thinking or doing something different. I.e. off task.
At other times, though rarely, I can sit and read for hours. E.g Ive read Lord of the Rings 10 times. Ive read the Games of Thrones series. Its an effort, but nothing I thought anyone else wouldn't experience. I do this with work and spend hours on something, but not prioritising.
However, in contrast, I will find it difficult to switch tasks and want to be a perfectionist. I spot mistakes that I may have made due to daydreaming despite making effort to, say proof-read. Often I may have done enough, but cant leave it. I watch people with envy who have attention to detail and can do it without effort. I just want to do a good job, but I over-work something/over-complicate it. I have to edit mistakes in messages I've sent to add details that I forgot to add. I think it's that I have found coping mechanisms, but at the cost of doing extra hours at work or working at home. I go to work early to catch up and avoid distractions.
Another trait I have is fixating or ensuring i have a process or routine for, well what feels like everything at home - yet I loose stuff; forget where I put it within second s. Ive changed or go against my "system". An example, is getting breakfast thongs ready, then making my pack lunch. It has to be in a particular order. Im a teacher and I experience the same when planning lessons. I use a checklist so I can remember to do it or that I've completed planning the lessons. Even to prioritise the order I do them. It doesn't always prevent distractions, but it's better than nothing I suppose.
Does anyone with ADHD or professional relate to this? As I said I'm awaiting an assessment, so im maybe overthinking it now.
Ironically, I need to refrain from editing this post.