Hi there community! I am a virtual assistant to ADHD entrepreneurs - in addition to having ADHD myself - and was hoping this wonderful community could help me out with a question. I write a monthly blog for my business that offers tips and ideas to those trying to work while having ADHD and am struggling with new topics that will genuinely benefit them. I'm trying to gather a list of genuine pain points that we experience while working, so I can suggest solutions and helpful options in the blog. I feel almost as if I'm blind to my own pain points because I've "just" worked with them for so long, so for the time being I have tapped out my own experiences as a resource.
My questions:
1. What kinds of things do you struggle with at work due to your ADHD (scheduling, planning, etc.) that if you had the opportunity to delegate to someone else you would? Please feel free to be as specific as you want - it doesn't have to be as generic as "planning".
2. Are there any specific ADHD-related topics that you would personally like to read about?
Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond to this! I'm personally tired of reading the same old tropes and want to get deeper than "set a timer".