Computer test results not in line wit... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Computer test results not in line with ADHD - what now?

Chickadee1 profile image
10 Replies

So my counselor told me I have ADHD but she wanted me to get the official diagnosis from a doctor or psychiatrist rather than from her. Last month I went to a family practice doctor that specializes in ADHD (he was listed on the ADDITUDE list of specialists). At the end of the first appointment he was 85-95% certain I had it but he does his evaluation in 2 parts - so he wanted me to come back later for the computer based test TOVA. I did that today - and the results though abnormal were more in line with the normative group than the ADHD group so he doesn't think I have ADHD and recommended I go to a diagnostician (maybe I psychologist) and gave me a card for a counseling office. The test was mostly normal - except for the 3rd quarter of the test (during which time it is testing impulsivity) and I made too many mistakes there so it put it in the abnormal range for that section... On a scale of negative 10 to positive 10 I was at 3.22 - below 0 is ADHD and above 0 is more inline with not having ADHD... I did read online that if for some reason your brain finds the test stimulating you could get a false negative - sort of like a computer game (though a boring one) - I have had trouble binging on computer games in the past as a way to escape stress... I did fear that I would do better on the test than I do at work... I feel like the test is easier because all I had to do was pay attention and click the button - at work I have to make decisions (so hard) and create content (well document my patient treatments/evaluations - I'm a physical therapist) - but that involves a lot more brain power than clicking a button so it doesn't really simulate my "normal life" situation...

I've been working with my counselor for over a year and have told her lots of stuff about my struggles... one person told me anxiety can look like ADHD. When I told her that she said yes, and I might buy if you didn't have so many of the other symptoms... so she really felt it was ADHD (she does agree I have anxiety too - but thinks it maybe the anxiety is caused by the untreated ADHD).

During the Doctor's initial assessment I felt like he relied a lot on the questionnaires he had me fill out (for ADHD, anxiety, depression, sleep, etc) - we did spend a good bit of time talking - mostly about my struggles at work since that is my biggest problem (or at least the most urgent one - I also have a lot of trouble at home where the ADHD (or whatever my problem is) affects me). - but we didn't talk about all the different struggles...

I guess I wonder if I need to get a second opinion or just say it must be something else... course maybe if I go to a psychologist they will think it is ADHD??? or maybe something else... He said to talk to my counselor first - so I'll see what she says. She is on vacation right now - but I have an appointment with her next Sunday - so I will be interested to hear her thoughts on the matter.

I was relieved not to have to start the medicine as I was scared of it - and certainly don't want to take stimulant ADHD medicine if I don't have ADHD (or another condition for which it would be indicated) - but on the other hand I had hoped it would make a difference at work... I'm really struggling there and I need to do better - my boss has been patient - but I don't want to lose my job and fear I will eventually if I can't improve my productivity...

Has anyone here had a similar situation where the computer testing didn't show ADHD but you still got diagnosed or got a second opinion? Technically my counselor already diagnosed me - but she wanted me to get it from a doctor thinking it would have more weight at work (for accommodations)...or that meds might help and she can't prescribe meds.

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10 Replies
house77 profile image

Hi I also thought I had Adhd, and still do to this day.I went for my Asperger's assessment a few years back. To be told no I dont have Adhd ,wasn't even tested for it.But have the Asperger's or just ASD/ Autism as it just called now.Ive done online tests myself and score very high with them .The tests say I have more then likely have Adhd. I will eventually ask for a referral from my dr for a proper diagnosis.

Its something I really need to know.

All the very best to you!

.I will list later,as busy at mo exactly how I am on a daily basis.It not good ..Could compare notes!👍!

Chickadee1 profile image
Chickadee1 in reply tohouse77

Thanks so much for your response to my question. It is interesting - I have a friend (mentor type - older than my parents) - she has observed me a lot as well as some of her family members. When I told my friend my counselor thought I had ADHD she ended up telling her daughter-in-law who is a pediatrician who had opportunity to observe me a good bit in the past and she said that she saw the potential for Autism more than for ADHD (and she has 1 or 2 children of her own with ADHD). I told my counselor about the Autism idea and here is what she told me:

" I considered Autism, and that might be something, BUT it is actually pretty common for Autism and ADHD to be "comorbid". That said, I don't know that I am completely sold on it... The thing with most ADHD specialists is they are usually able to recognize Autism too... Do you have traits, absolutely, but I'm not sure they are there to the point where I'd be comfortable with that diagnosis like I am with ADHD. It's worth thinking some more about though."

She wrote the above before I went to the ADHD doctor for diagnosis...

It would be great to compare notes as you suggested...

Some of my symptoms include:

Difficulty with time management and prioritizing

Terrible sometimes paralyzing indecisiveness - sometimes even on small inconsequential matters...

Overthinking - part of my decision making problem is I think of all the options trying to come up with the best solution instead of going with a good enough solution

I notice ridiculous details that don't even enter other people's minds to worry about or think might be important

My boss thought I must day dream... as it takes me too long on stuff

I have trouble with my brain freezing up briefly where it blanks and I can't remember what I am trying to do - I go to do something and forget what I intended to do

I have trouble thinking at times where my brain feels slow

The brain freezing and trouble thinking seem worse to me than before - I didn't really notice them much in the past but maybe I wasn't observant of myself and it was my normal? But it feels worse

I am too slow at work - it takes me too long to do my documentation on the patients I work with... I put in too much detail sometimes/a lot

I thought I could focus well - but it takes me too long and now I recognize I at least sometimes have more difficulty focusing than I realized -

I can sit and work steady for hours but stuff takes too long...

Sometimes I double check and recheck stuff more than necessary to be sure it is OK

I worry about meticulous honesty to an excessive degree - in the minutia

When my boss wants a simple direct answer to a question I go all around the bush with too many details and explanations - to make it more "accurate" as the direct answer doesn't seem accurate enough - or because I am embarrassed that I haven't done good enough and the direct answer shows how bad I have done (how little I have accomplished in the time) - and maybe explaining would help... but she doesn't have time for all that explaining and has to cut me off...

I have trouble with procrastination - especially with getting started on tasks at home - or making myself do chores (I live alone so no one is around to be bothered by the house not being clean enough except me)

I have trouble enjoying my free time feeling like I should be doing something productive or at leas meaningful enjoyable - but not getting myself to do anything

I have difficulty with social stuff - people think I am very quiet (but I can write a book to my counselor)...

I don't have many friends and most of the time my interaction with people is very superficial

I tend to avoid social opportunities

I fear what people think of me and am a people pleaser

Big need for approval - so it kills me to be "failing" at work and not meeting expectations - not be able to satisfy my boss (and she is a good boss - cares about me and wants to help me which is probably the only reason I still have a job - HR has asked her "why is she still here" referring to me...)

I have big issues with confidence - I did super well in school and was pretty confident in it overall (not in everything) - but in life I have very low confidence... in my knowledge or ability to make decisions.

If I think someone maybe disagrees with what I said I tend to backpedal and try to soften what I said so as not to offend them or make them think I disagree

I am intimidated around confident people or if I get the vibe they already have their opinion and it might be different than what I was going to do or tell them - even if I am supposed to be the professional in the situation and they are my patient

I like stuff black and white and obvious - if there is any "gray area" or uncertainty I really struggle to decide what to do and sometimes just "don't decide" and do nothing to avoid making a wrong choice

I have trouble saying no to requests if there is anyway possible for me to do it even if it would inconvenience me to do it - hard to tell someone no if the only reason is that I don't want to - or if my reasons would not sound like a good reason to the other person. However if I want to say no but also don't feel comfortable saying no I tend to just not answer (say if they texted me) - I put it off and sometimes just don't communicate...

Perhaps this is more detail than you wanted or needed for comparing notes... I have to go to work now so better quit... I can ramble a lot and give too much detail...but if I go seek a diagnosis of some sort I probably need to share more of my struggles with them if possible so they can get a more complete picture than what I managed to give that doctor... it's hard when time is limited - and plus I was super stressed the day I saw the doctor for the first time... I was almost paralyzed trying to fill out the forms for him (in advance of the appointment) and after the appointment my brain felt fried and I could hardly think or process to talk to the receptionist. The doctor did think I have anxiety and depression in addition to his first impression that I had ADHD - this was before I did the computer test that indicated I didn't match ADHD.

Anyway I'm probably making myself late to work - I struggle with being on time too... gotta go... thanks again for responding to my post.

house77 profile image
house77 in reply toChickadee1

Thanks for your reply chick👍Yep a lot of what you detail about yourself I feel the same way to.I recently wrote my symptoms down as having support for all my disabilities. Just writing about Autism and how it effects me took 6 pages long.I had to detail absolutely everything..Like I said earlier, I've always thought I had Adhd too. As stuggle with time keeping too. Amongst other symptoms

.I will have a good read of your reply and list my every day struggles later.

Sorry had a busy day. Big hugs!❤

house77 profile image
house77 in reply toChickadee1

Hi chick Yes I see you are very detailed like myself. I've read your long reply.I really believe you could be Autisic too along with the ADHD

. I will list some how my Autism effects me

1. My ASD effects my mood awful if things dont go according to plan. Meltdowns can occur quiet often.

2. very impatient if waiting for transport or anything else and it arrives late, my temper can get serve.

3. Often late arriving at places,when meeting people or have appointments. Time management is poor.

4.Cant deal with stress

It literally drives me crazy.

Like things to run smoothly.

5.sensory issues.

I've got very Acute hearing,sensitive to bright light,noises,touch. Etc..

6.Hate clothes labels touching my skin.I have to cut them out. Like bras etc.

7.Have social anxiety

Hate large groups of people Just like to go out with 1 friend at a time to quiet venues...Cant go to Concerts,nightclubs etc

8 . I have very poor short term memory, .Long term is excellent .

This is just a few examples .Am getting a bit of help at present, as my mind not in a good place at present.

I want to wish you all the very best Chickxx👍

LifeAfterDiagnosis profile image
LifeAfterDiagnosis in reply tohouse77

It's like you stepped into my life and wrote about me! Not to complicate matters 🥴 but may I suggest you and your doctor consider a differential diagnosis? I just had an appointment with an ENT doctor who diagnosed me with atypical migraines and I don't get headaches or auras, but I have all kinds of ENT and sensory symptoms. He explained that while pain and auras can be symptoms, migraines aren't a pain disorder, they're a processing and overstimulation disorder (sounds like ASD, right?), which makes it a neurological issue, not a neurodevelopmental or psychological one. You might also want to look into a learning disorder (which I have). And yes, successful treatments aren't diagnosis-dependent, but I understand your need to know exactly what's going on. It's scary, it's frustrating. You want relief. Hang in there!

respoader profile image

There are plenty of doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, and others who conduct some variation of an ADHD test, but the a psychologist is still the preferred clinician to have an official, thorough ADHD evaluation. Psychologists are trained specifically for the diagnostic testing - other clinicians are not.

As far as coping or treatment, you are always in control of what treatment plan you use. If you don't want to take medication, then don't. There are plenty of coping strategies outside of medication that are helpful. Look up "ADHD hacks" for tips on managing your ADHD-like symptoms.

And you don't have to be dependent on a diagnosis to find success in treatment, either. There are other diagnoses that can look like ADHD, so it may help to focus instead on the coping and management of whatever symptoms you struggle with instead of relying on a diagnosis.

Chickadee1 profile image
Chickadee1 in reply torespoader

Thank you so much for your response. It makes sense that a psychologist would be better equipped for a mental health diagnosis than a family medicine doctor. The guy I went to specializes in ADHD - but he still isn't a psychologist so doesn't have the same mental health background they do. They would perhaps be better able to recognize other diagnoses etc . And as you say even if I don't get a diagnosis I can still learn strategies and hacks to better manage my struggles and symptoms...

ShortyKat profile image
ShortyKat in reply toChickadee1

My psychologist diagnosed me, when I was 18. I was on Strattera at some point but I didn't like how I felt. Sluggish and off balance. My uncle had to come get me when I got stuck in Central Park. If I go back on medicine, I will do a non stimulant as I also have two heart conditions. Yes, a psychologist is better to diagnose . I didn't feel hyperactive at the time the psychologist said that and was in a bit of denial or something. I do have periods of hyperactivity. Mostly, when I feel comfortable with people, I can relax and sometimes go over board. Especially since I don't have many friends. I understand your concerns about work, I was constantly worried I would be fired. I would have fired me...but I have a learning disability as well and I am pretty upfront that things take me longer to do. Trying to get a job where people really understand ADHD. Or go to a job coach. We are going to look into things. My sister really helps me a lot. I feel like a burden to my family. I lost my job after being furloughed, due to my heart problems during covid.

artist17 profile image

I'd get tested again by a different doctor to see what they think, it sounds like that's what you are interested in doing based on your original post above.

I think the whole point of a diagnosis (adhd, autism, Aspergers, ect. )+ therapy is to help figure out the steps you need to take to regulate your body so you can better communicate your needs.

What that looks like for me: communicating effectively with others, not going down rabbit holes in the middle of a project because they are more interesting than the task originally attempted, finishing tasks, organize the urgency of a task in a list, or helping you to be able to do things that you're NOT interested in doing (putting things away, dishes, laundry...ugh). I use CBT and medicine to get thru things, as well as watching adhd tictok or twitter for task hacks. Sleep + hydration + exercise are vitally important for me and when I do not do those things consistently, I notice my symptoms are worse.

A lot of symptoms between ADHD, ASD, and NVLD overlap. My first diagnosis was ASD (which at this point I don't think is accurate), then they added NVLD (which fits me much better). I diagnosed myself ADHD. The diagnostic criteria they use is a joke, in my experience. All I know for sure is that I just want to feel and function better. 😕

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