One thing that is hard for me and maybe some of you all is that since I was a kid I had ADHD. But I have the kind that they say usually boys have and are diagnosed with. Extremely hyper risk taker all of that. I was just a class clown. Let me give an example of just one thing people would find totally ridiculous and crazy.... I’m a little embarrassed, don’t judge. Sometimes when I am in the mall i will run up the escalator that is going down just because it is closer to me. I think nothing of it. But I see people staring at me?? What the hell is the matter with me??
ADHD woman: One thing that is hard for... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
ADHD woman
I relate, in that moment you did that because it made sense to you to go that way instead and I bet it was way more fun/interesting for you to go the way you went on the escalator than the way everyone else goes on it. I like doing things that feel fun and exciting to me and I bet I come off as immature or childlike to others sometimes but I’m not completely bothered by it because I have fun and I like to have fun I like to play
Lol. The funny thing is I don’t get like a thrill I just do it. Instead of walking 5 seconds away to the correct escalator. I’m impulsive and it was quicker. 😂 But yes there are things that are so fun and yes something a 10 year old would do. Thanks for the response!! You get. Screw the people that would not be able to make it up the escalator that way. 😜
Is monkey your Chinese horoscope?
Lmao!! I love monkeys. When my mother went to my first conference for my kindergarten she said she could not wait to hear about her little girl. When she sat down the teacher told her that if she let me swing from the lights on the ceiling from light to light I would! Like a monkey. My mom was humiliated. 😂😂
Haha that's great. I also have the hyperactive type (as well as the inattentive.) I was such a tomboy and class clown too. I'm still a kid, so it was kinda hard raising kids, but I managed. Good that you can enjoy being yourself.
Ty. I feel better! Yes I was such a tomboy as well. 😜
I won class clown in high school.
I use to do that too in h.s. back in the mid 80's & 90s. You are not alone in that department.
Yep!! So funny. I am an 80s girl.
Life would be boring without you.
Was this meant for me?? Courtney?

Yep. I just meant that I like people that think outside the box and want to do fun things like run up the wrong escalator. At least there is some excitement! I sit near extreme perfectionists at work. Their desks and everything they do is “by the book.” It makes me want to pull my hair out with boredom.
Ty. I just wanted to make sure it was meant for me before I thanked you!! It really made feel good!! It kinda made my day! 😀😜
A lot of people tell me that bit I still sometimes beat myself up.
Don't feel bad about being different. A horse of a different color makes others stand up and notice. You give life a more interesting aspect. Who wants to allows draw within the lines anyway?
There's nothing the matter with are completely awesome!
Some of those people staring at you wish they had the courage to do what they wanted or act how they pleased. There will be other things to worry about when you have ADHD, but trust me, this ain't one of them. NOW, if you run in front of buses or cause traffic accidents on purpose, that's another story, altogether. But this thing with the escalator is a harmless, fun thing as long as you don't hurt someone in the process. Take it easy and try to take inventory of all of the great characteristics you have. If you've got ADHD, you probably can't count them all.