hi I'm 22 years old I'm new here. I was diagnosed with adhd in nov/15/2017 on my birthday I'm a recovering addict and it all made sense to me when I knew about adhd I felt like I was born again because it explained all the situations I experienced!
I'm still suffering in every area in my life in the daily basis! I went to college three times after high school but I dropped out every single time and I think my parents is the one to blame because they got me into school when I had alcohol problem they never paid attention to that! now I don't live with them anymore and I'm so grateful for that my father has adhd and my mother has it as well but they don't believe in it and they refuse to seek treatment for it! I grew up in a very stressful environment my dad was always frustrated and lowering my self esteem down and as a child I used self reflection I thought I'm not good enough or there's something wrong with me.
I started nurofeedback natural treatment four months ago I started nurofeedback seassions and supplements most of the suggested supplements made me feel worse like 5-htp supposed to be anti-depressant but it made me feel more depressed!
the nurofeedback seassions helped me be more focused but I had a problem that when I'm more focused I'm more anxious ( I have a bad anxiety problems as well) I told my therapist that do the seassions to me that but she really didn't help.
I started reading healing add book by dr.amen book and he described different types of adhd and that one treatment don't fit all types. that made sense to me that I have over focused type 3 adhd and with this type when they are more focused they are more anxious.
I want to go back to school so bad before I get older and I know times waits for no one. two days ago I went to do the placement test in college I went to the testing room and there we people sitting next to me I couldn't focus on the test all my focus was on the people even though I know that if there were no people in the room and I wasn't anxious I could get a good score I knew almost a lot of answers but I could not handle my stress and anxiety feeling so I walked out of the college I felt like a failure but people remember when things like that happen do not blame yourself put your blame on anything but yourself. and you have to understand your adhd because if you don't no body will.
now I'm gonna start taking meds for adhd for the first time in my life I'm not a big fan of meds but sometimes they're a life saving ill look for natural treatment after I finish the first semester in college!
I would applicate any tips on how to deal with adhd or any helpful information that would benefit what I'm going through! and I'm here to help as well!