My 14 year old was diagnosed with ADHD back in December 22. He went into a outpatient program for cannabis use and depression, where they also diagnosed him with ADHD.
I have recently figured out that he's stealing money from my wallet, my husband's wallet and just yesterday from his Aunt who was at our home for a party for my son's graduation from 8th grade!
He's been lying (about almost everything) and cheating at school this year as well. He's never straight with us. We have taken his phone away many times (he's currently on day 9 of no phone for something his was dishonest about last week)
He's on Zoloft 100mg and Ritalin 5mg. He sees a therapist once a week. We do enforce consequences, he's got a checklist on his wall that lists chores, activities and things he has to do every day.
Does anyone out there have a kid that is lying this badly? Does this just go with ADHD?
He basically is inside because he has no phone, he goes to basketball camp and football camp, but there are no friends coming over and he isn't hanging out with anyone because we don't trust him.
Anyone going through this? I am sick to my stomach all the time.