Hi All - My son is 9 years old and has ADHD and dysgraphia. He enjoys school and really wants to do well, but has many of the classic signs of combined ADHD (other than being disruptive), which keep him from being able to do his best. At home we have similar issues. In short, we feel ADHD medication is the right thing for him, but he has sooo much trouble taking medication.
It has been this way since he was a toddler. He wouldn't even eat ice cream if mixed with meds. He has some taste and texture sensitivities, so I think that's part of it. We worked with a Speech Language Pathologist for a while last year and finally got him to take crushed pills mixed with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. That was not for ADHD meds, though. We've now started him on ADHD meds and while he suffered through it for a while (he gets anxious before taking the meds and sometimes gags while taking them), he has now started to totally refuse.
We have really tried everything: Setting up a reward system. Mixing with chocolate sauce or candy, crushed pills and chewable pills and capsules that can be opened. We can't mix liquids with juice because he doesn't like juice. He does like gatorade, but I'm afraid we'll ruin that for him too if we try mixing it with meds. He has a total mental block. Does anyone have experience with this or know of a professional resource? Is there a magical ADHD medication that has no taste? I'm way past the point of googling ideas and am feeling defeated. Thanks for any feedback.