My son, is a great kid. He is on methylphenidate and also Intuniv. He was on the verge of failing last year and we managed to do it. We managed to end the year with all A’s, B’s, and one C. Which is a real miracle. He was promoted to the 8th grade but he is going to have to complete 12 days of summer school, 3 hours per day. I try to help him with his binders and his backpack and he does have an IEP so there are goals in place to help him to be successful but does anyone have any ideas to help me help him with organization of his binders and locker?? Obviously I can’t be there to help him with his locker but if I could make him want to keep it organized, I don’t know. Just reaching... binders, it’s not like I can purchase fun things because he’s not a little kid anymore. I’d just like to find something motivational or rewarding to help him be successful! Thanks for any input!!
Helping a teen with ADHD with Organiz... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Helping a teen with ADHD with Organization in the classroom/backpack!!

This is just a suggestion, because we've tried all kinds of things! I would buy one binder with tabs and use it for all the subjects. Something with the dividers with pockets maybe so he can stuff papers in the pockets. And I often bought a zip pencil holder that will go in the binder. That way everything is in one place and he only has to look for one item!
If the teachers will go for it that’s a good idea because he’s notorious for grabbing the wrong binder....
My other piece of advice is to go through his backpack every night and make sure everything is back in it's place! And having someone help him with locker is a great idea, if you can arrange it. Don't worry about the micromanagement - I am telling you that making it as easy as possible is the best thing. Your son will organize himself when he's ready - mine is 23 and actually asked me for colored folders for his college classes...this is the first time EVER!!
My son would meet with his guidance counselor once a week and sometimes they would go to his locker and organize it. They routinely organized his binders and folders. Definitely was the reason he was successful in middle school and high school.
My husband grew up with adhd and at that time no one understood. Thank God his father took extra care and time with him. They developed a system.
My husband carried a pocket sized notebook all day and he would write down all assignments and tasks he need to get done for school. Then each night his Dad helped him prioritize.
Like I said; there is beauty in ordinary parents... 😊❤️
I am so interested in hearing stories from adult with ADHD. My son is only 6 and I know he can not express what he needs or wants on a way that gives me a clear direction. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your husband's story