I know I'm not alone here....
My 6-year-old son's teacher asked me to come and observe the struggles he's having in the classroom, because her methods of intervention aren't working. I went for 3.5 school days to see his whole routine on different days. He has ADHD (hyperactivity-impulsivity), and if he's not making noises with his mouth or with whatever he's holding, he's rocking and moving his body in some way. He's not trying to be disruptive, but it very much is when you're trying to get other first graders to stay focused. I feel for this teacher, because my husband and I have felt the guilt mangled with our frustration throughout his life. At some point, the correction he gets for the noise and movement turns into white noise of his nonstop brain and body, and he appears to be defiant. (Sometimes he is, don't get me wrong.)
I've offered to come spend time up at the school to help him stay focused and teach him to work his energy out in better ways, but I'm wondering if any of you have littles and what tricks you have for setting your kiddo with ADHD up for success. He's at a school that we love, but as a private school, they don't really have default services. Everything I've read says it's best when parents are the ones providing the support anyway.
I'm in the process of looking for parent training from a psychologist in my area, as well as occupational therapy tricks for settling down his little body. We're not scared of going the medication, but since I have ADHD and take medication for it, I know medication is not a magic fix.
Anyone have any good resources?
- L