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Having horrible time with my teen- could Zoloft be part of the problem?

MM814 profile image
13 Replies

I have an almost genius level son (according to IQ) who did amazing in grade school and his freshman year at a very difficult selective school. He was always procrastinating and my doctor suggested stimulants which we had not tried since he was first diagnosed as a 3rd grader. Completely changed his personality then and sophomore year was horrible as it was the same thing. He suddenly didn’t care about anything. Doctor then put him on Zoloft and eventually took off stimulants and put him back on Straterra . Now junior year and he says that he feels like Zoloft makes him not have enough “anxiety” to get his work done. We have slowly been taking him off and it’s been a nightmare. So irritable and screaming. I feel like he should have never been on it and it has made things worse not betterZ. Anyone with experience with Zoloft and/or coming off it? Thanks so much. I should have left well enough alone and lived with procrastination. Now I feel like I ruined him. He just got an almost perfect score on the SAT bit how could he go to college like this when he simply won’t do homework and is a mess.

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MM814 profile image
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13 Replies
Cjkchamp profile image

Have you looked into broad spectrum micronutrients? We were on the verge of Prozac when the psychiatrist recommended broad spectrum micronutrients. Our son responded well to them. I have a friend who began using them and also gave them to her 19-year-old son. He was on Zoloft and stimulants for years. She is now off her antidepressants, and her son is now off all medications as of approximately two months ago. You haven't ruined anyone or anything. You're doing your best. I highly recommend you investigate micronutrients. There are two companies, Hardy Nutritionals and True Hope. We use Hardy Nutritionals DEN. My friend uses True Hope. Our psychiatrist didn't recommend one brand over the other. You need your psychiatrist to be on board because if your son responds well to them, it will probably mean a decrease in medication or elimination of it. Wishing you the best!

anirush profile image

My doctor put me on zoloft when I started having hot flashes. Not only do I feel like it changed my personality but I had a heck of a time getting off of it. Eventually all the side effects went away but it was hard.

Both my grandsons are on in tune of as an attitude of to their other medications. It has been a miracle drug for one, the other one does OK on a low dose but a high dose makes him crazy. Medication is so tricky.

Janice_H profile image
Janice_H in reply to anirush

Hi Anirush, did the Zoloft help you with hot flashes? I am experiencing them now. They are awful.

anirush profile image
anirush in reply to Janice_H

I had mostly night sweats and yes it did but I did not like how it made me feel.

Pennywink profile image
Pennywink in reply to anirush

Interesting. Not to hijack this thread for non-ADHD related issues, but my dr. put me on Welbutrin for perimenopause. It's also an anti-depressant, though not an SSRI. However, I haven't really had hot flashes. Most of my issues are executive functioning. I joke that for me, perimenopause is basically adult onset ADHD. lol!

Janice_H profile image

Hi, you did not ruin him at all. You're a great parent for considering to medicate to help with all the concerns. I personally take Zoloft to regulate my mood. Without it I am a depressed mess, cannot concentrate or motivate myself to do anything at all. I also have extreme anxiety, mood swings, and socially isolate myself. I do not like the way I feel on days that I do not take the medication.

I can say that my son has been on Straterra and Ritalin. When the medications wear off, he becomes moody, easily agitated, rude and defiant. Peer pressure in school, the stress from increased school work load, lack of sleep and teen hormonal changes all play a role in how our kids behave.

Not all medications are right for a child. You can consider switching medications. It can take lots of trials before you find the right medication. Don't give up hope.

MM814 profile image
MM814 in reply to Janice_H

Thanks so much for your note!

willandgrace profile image
willandgrace in reply to Janice_H

my daughter is 20 and takes 50mg vyvanse for inattentive ADHD. she takes 2 mg of guanfacine to help with vyvanse crash in the afternoon. She has extreme social anxiety but takes nothing for that. In the past year Ive noticed a lot of irritability in her. She is so grumpy and nasty when she comes home from school (in college). I've also noticed that her roommates irritate her all the time - which I'm no realizing is more about her than them. I'm thinking that Zoloft may help her but her pediatrician wouldn't prescribe so easily. Based on what I've told you, and your experience with Zoloft, do you think it may help her? She bursts into tears when I talk to her about her irritability and struggles. I know that the Vyvanse tends to make her a little jumpy, but she is very happy with the focus she gets from it, and she doesn't want to stop taking it. I don't want to load her up with medications but if Zoloft will relieve her anxiety and irritability I would like to pursue it. I'm really worried and I don't know how to get answers for her. We did see a psychiatrist a year ago, and all he did was whip out his prescription pad. It was just ridiculous. so I have no interest in another psychiatrist. I am planning to call a pediatrician in our group (not the one who refused the prescription) in order to discuss this further. But I'm wondering if my daughter's symptoms sound at all familiar to you. She is in college and has 3 roommates. There is always one that is irritating her. She goes in her room and shuts the door.

MM814 profile image
MM814 in reply to willandgrace

I would say from what I have heard here and my experience, Zoloft is very hard to come off of if it is not the right mes. My son was anxious but not depressed. The irritability is coming from coming down off it. I A close friend experience similar reactions to Paxil and he was upset he ever went on it. If she is good with Vyvanse I would leave well enough alone

Janice_H profile image
Janice_H in reply to willandgrace

Everyone reacts differently to various medications. For me, personally, I do not know how I would cope or function without the Zoloft. Trust the doctors advice and if you feel your child is not doing well on a medication, address it and change to a new one.

ConcernedCaliMom profile image

Hi. You have not ruined your son! Do not shame yourself!!! You were doing the very best you can with what given info you have! We all do the best we can. We do not KNOW, WHAT we do not know. Personally I have been on Zoloft and did not experience any with drawls. However every body is completely different. Kids in my opinion and experience, are extremely sensitive to med changes. I love the suggestion below to the micronutrients , I’m going to look into that for my 17 yr old ADHD and oppositional son. it is extremely tough to manage. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and good luck to you MM 814❤️

willandgrace profile image

I know a few people who told me that Zoloft made them feel bad so they switched to a different med- Celexa. Maybe it's just that Zoloft isn't the right one.

abryans profile image

Because our kids are diagnosed with ADHD, we tend to attribute every problem to ADHD. Super bright kids have some great advantages but they can also have lots of challenges. They often know much more than other kids their age, but they are still kids, and it all can be anxiety producing. Their peers may not be able to relate to their thoughts and worries and sometimes they are isolated and lonely- even in a school with other bright kids.

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