My 14 year-old is scheduled for his evaluation next Wednesday. It is a 6-8 hour evaluation they have told me. The first hour is both of us meeting with the psychologist. After that, they told me I could leave since he will be doing his own thing. I am assuming they will give him activities to do to measure his attention span. It seems like a long time to evaluate. I am questioning the validity since he will not be in a typical school setting with peers surrounding him. We return two weeks later to hear the results. Is this how your child was diagnosed? I know my niece was prescribed medication by her GP doctor without an evaluation. Just wondering what your experience was with diagnosis? TIA
Evaluation Day: My 14 year-old is... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Evaluation Day

I am also very curious about people's responses to this post, as we are scheduled for an evaluation in January (after already waiting for months - big need out there!). I am not sure I'll be confident in the results because his behavior can fluctuate so much.

How old is your son? I guess because my son is 14, the evaluation is more extensive. We just went yesterday and he was there for about 5 hours. They did IQ testing etc. many of the tests were on the computer measuring attention and auditory vs. visual input etc. I am looking forward to the results. It helps identify their strengths and weaknesses with learning new information. He was also evaluated for depression as well.
Thank you very much for the description. He's 12.
Were you satisfied with the evaluation? We were told ours would be 3 hours long. So, I wonder if it'll be comprehensive enough; however, I really don't think I'd be able to convince my son to take part in an all-day affair!
My daughter is only 5 but they sent home 3 sets of papers with a ton of question about her behavior for me my husband and her teacher to fill out and went by the score from all of them
My daughter was 6 and they sent questions (a large packet for each of us) for me and her 1st grade teacher. Our answers were different as night & day on most. There were a couple that crossed over to school as well. She had Kianna do a few thing and that was it. Maybe an hour and a half. Kianna was haviing a bad day an things came out, so that was nice. She tried to escape 80% of the time we sat in room.
It sounds like they are doing neuropsychiatric testing, which does take a full day for all the testing, which will also include breaks, so you might want to ask about lunch - can you leave for lunch or should you pack a lunch? They will evaluate not only his ADHD, but there will also be some IQ and personality testing.