Hi there, my almost six year old is in Kindergarten and was just diagnosed with combination type ADHD. To give you a background: My son hates school and I sometimes get reports of him hitting or grabbing other kids (though he isn’t aggressive at home). We are constantly reinterating that it is not acceptable to hit or touch someone in anger and we are attempting to get him into see a counselor of some kind to help him with his issues. This week we submitted a letter to the school from his doctor that informs them of his diagnosis. They have been doing there own kind of evaluation process there at school as well, but it is on going
Anyway, the special education teacher that works with him said that the principal witnessed my son messing with his chair during independent reading time and he was refusing to read, saying that he couldn’t read. Apparently she felt that him not sitting on the chair and playing with it was some sort of alarming and dangerous sign of delinquency. I was told that she said something to the effect that, “we need to keep an eye on this kid for everyone’s safety”. Now from what I heard, he wasn’t lifting the chair up high or attempting to throw or otherwise touch another child, he just wasn’t sitting down and quietly reading by himself (which is not a surprise or frankly should come at a surprise to them either, but I digress). To me it is obvious that he is struggling with reading and needs support with that rather than being told to just sit quietly and figure it out. I am working with him on his reading at too by the way.
Anyway, after being told this by the special education teacher I am feeling like this kind of reaction was a bit of an overreaction by the principal. I am wondering if she has decided to brand him as a problem child.
While I do agree that my son needs help with his ADHD and aggression (frustration based) issues, and we are in the process of addressing them, in general, I feel like the school has overly high expectations for academic and behavioral performance.
Any advice? Please be kind.