Hi, I had gotten my 9 year old son tested by an external resource and was diagnosed with ADHD. The school had initially suggested that he does not need a 504 plan as he was doing fine academically , however based on his lack of focus in classroom , I re-requested for putting him in a 504 plan. The principal responded that they will do an assessment. Here is snippets of her response.
"Thank you for following up with your concerns. Per our last meeting and this email request, we will proceed with a formal 504 evaluation. We have scheduled a January 30th meeting at 8:15 AM to determine his eligibility for a 504 Plan. Here is a flowchart outlining the process.
Between now and our January meeting date, we will need your written permission to conduct observations and collect any additional information as part of the evaluation period.
At the January meeting, after the evaluation process, we will discuss his eligibility. Per our last meeting and you sharing his outside diagnosis, we know he has a disability. This meeting will be to determine whether it impacts one or more major life functions. If we determine eligibility, then the evaluation results will also inform if/what accommodations he might need in the school setting. We will then draft a plan with you as part of the team meeting. We can also discuss next steps, if he not determined eligible. "
1) I was planning to start medications on him from next week, should I just wait till the school finishes the evaluation so that the medicine does not interfere?
2) What major life functions are they referring to here ?
3) Any suggestions on how to respond?