Hello. Wanted feedback from those of you who have a child with an approved IEP or 504 plan. My high schooler does not want me to seek this for him at school. He has chosen to keep his ADHD diagnosis private from his peers (although his teachers know). He is struggling in school and won't take medication. It's time I push both subjects with my son again.
When I bring it up with him, his concern is that his friends and peers will notice that he is getting "special attention" in school. He is worried they will think he's Special Needs and will judge him. My son, as is typical with ADHD, lacks confidence in himself and the maturity to get past this perception he has. I understand his concern because he told me that in one of his classes, his teacher spent some extra time with him. One of his classmates noticed and texted him several times, asking why the teacher "thinks your stupid."
Teens are tough on each other and teenage years are hard enough without ADHD. I just want to level the playing field for my son.
My question is, for those of you who have a plan in place at school, has it been helpful for them? Have their peers noticed and have they given your child a hard time or made comments?
Thanks so much for your feedback.