Hi, I'm new here...
I have a 8 year old boy. Last year he was officially diagnosed with ADHD. We didn't put him on meds, I appreciate modern medicine but don't use them unless absolutely necessary.
We had to switch him to a new school because he was constantly blamed at his old school for not sitting still on the carpet or asking questions, or climbing trees. His new school staff is caring and wonderful.
He has his moments - tantrums when asked to stop video games, etc. Limiting his screen time really helps though.
Last week we had a teacher parent meeting to follow up on some undesirable behavior since school started, and it turned out that he was doing great the whole week. However, things quickly took its turn today when he went back... He was publicly being disrespect-able to his teachers and was taunting his teachers right in front of my husband when they were having a last minute meeting to discuss today's events.
One of the teacher actually suggested medications, one of her kids used to be on meds for ADHD and she said it helped. We have an appointment tomorrow morning to see his doctor to discuss our options, both medical and non-medical. I just can't bring myself to feed him pharmaceutical pills at this age.
What are your experience with meds?